

pip install Django-Persistent-Message==1.3.1



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This app adds authoring and publishing of persistent messages to your Django project. Messages can be filtered for display by message level and custom tags provided by your project.

Include the persistent_message URLs

Add the persistent_message URLs to your project/

path('persistent_messages/', include('persistent_message.urls')),

Message Level

Messages can be set to one of four levels: Info, Success, Warning, Danger.

Message Tags

Tags provide another way to filter the display of messages to specific users or conditions. Tags should be created by way of a fixture file in your application. See persistent_message/fixtures/test.json for an example.

Message Rendering

Message.render will render the message as a Django template and return the rendered string, using a passed context dictionary.

Message Admin Authorization

By default, Django superusers can add and edit persistent messages in your project. To customize this behavior, add PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_AUTH_MODULE to your Django settings file. This setting should contain a dotted path string of a module in your application that returns a boolean indicating whether the current user is allowed to author messages.

PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_AUTH_MODULE = "my_app.auth.is_message_admin"