Drp is a command line tool for Dropbox to ease upload, download of files and get public URLs.
$ pip install drp
Or alternatively you can do,
$ wget goo.gl/OAgiUG -O drp $ wget goo.gl/fHhDxS -O handler.py $ chmod +x drp $ mv drp handler.py /usr/bin/
Note: This alternate method requires you to install Dropbox Python SDK and Click manually.
- Python (Duh!)
pip install dropbox
or Dropbox Python SDK -
pip install click
(for CLI interface)
$ drp # show help $ drp init # initialize drp $ drp [-p path] up file1 file2 # upload files $ drp [-p path] down file1 file2 # download files $ drp ls [path] # list files $ drp tree [path] # show file structure $ drp mkdir folder # creae a new directory $ drp rm file # delete file or empty directory $ drp share file # copy public URL to clipboard $ drp info file # retrieve metadata for file/folder $ drp search [-p path] query # Search for files/folders containing the given string
- Extend with parallel uploads and downloads
- Use compression for file transfer (gzip)
- Set multi-threaded transfer for large uploads/downloads
Drp is released under the GNU GPL License v3.