
Synchronizing a RSS feed to social networks

pip install FeedSynchronizer==1.0.1



Get started


  • Python 2
  • Pip. For Python > 2.5 and < 2.7.9, from Unix CLI (as admin/su): curl 'https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py' | python -

Then project dependencies can be installed using pip:

pip install FeedSynchronizer

Dependencies can be installed in user space with the --user option.

To run the application: python build/lib/FeedSynchronizer/web.py

Configure RSS

First of all, you need to download the 2 files : FeedSynchronizer.py and SenderBase.py.

You have to create an instance of FeedSynchronizer in order to choose an RSS flux to follow.

fs = FeedSynchronizer()

Configure social networks

You may also configure the social networks you want to use, with the init_network function. You need a dictionary as following:

Network_dict = {'consumer_key':'YOUR_KEY', 'consumer_secret':'YOUR_KEY', 'oauth_token':'YOUR_KEY', 'oauth_secret':'YOUR_KEY'}

It makes a variable usable in the init_network function:

fs.init_network('Network_name', Network_dict, true)

Once the modifications are done, execute FeedSynchronizer.py. You get a "config.cfg" file used by FeedSynchronizer. If you delete it, a new execution will create a new one. FeedSynchronizer now endlessly check the RSS flux and post new instances on the configured social networks.

To end the execution, use the "stop" method on the instancied variable.

Execution example

from feedSynchronizer import FeedSynchronizer
fs = FeedSynchronizer()     /* --> create config file if it does not exist */
twitter_dict = {'consumer_key':'YOUR_KEY', 'consumer_secret':'YOUR_KEY', 'oauth_token':'YOUR_KEY', 'oauth_secret':'YOUR_KEY'}
fs.init_network('Twitter', twitter_dict, true)
/* deamon running */
message posted on Twitter
message posted on Twitter
/* end */

The user interface

The user interface is to simply set up the application to work. You can set up the RSS link and all the social networks IDs and options.

To make it run, you will need to install the following :

  • lighttpd for the server
  • mod_fastcgi for the interface
  • python2-flup for WSGI server

Then add these lines to the lighttpd configuration file

###/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf :

server.modules += ( "mod_fastcgi" )
fastcgi.server = (".py" => (
				"python-fcgi" => (
				"socket" => "/tmp/fastcgi.socket",
				"bin-path" => "<PATH>/web.py",
				"check-local" => "disable",
				"min-procs" => 1,
				"max-procs" => 1,

... where represent the path to the FeedSynchronizer folder.

Next you need to run the server using systemctl start lighttdp, it will be accessible at localhost/web.py

Set up with Facebook

You have the solution to just set up twitter and then link your facebook account.

Otherwise... You need :

  • facebook-sdk API for python
  • Register your own App on facebook
  • Find the necessary IDs
  • Grant the rights for App to publish


Get it on GitHub, unless you used our pip bundle.

Register your Facebook App

To create your application, go to developpers facebook, register yourself as a developper (valid phone umber needed), then on "My Apps", select "Add a new App".

Get the IDs

You'll need the ACCESS_TOKEN which is at: "Tool & Support -> Access Token Debugger". The ACCESS_TOKEN looks like:

APP ID|1ds__S2_N7gIig2THoHxxxxxxxx

You'll also need yourID_USER. Go to https://graph.facebook.com/firstname.lastname the first information: "id" is the'ID_USER you need.

Grant publishing right

The Facebook account has to allow the facebook application to publish by its name. In order to do it, follow this link, and select your application on far top (instead of Graph API Explorer). After that, click on "Get Access Token" to open a menu. Into "Extended Permissions", tick 'publish_actions" and validate.

A pop-up may ask the account to confirm the rights to the app. After saying yes, you're done setting up Facebook.

#Set up with twitter


Get it on GitHub, unless you used our pip bundle.

Register your app

You need to register a twitter app here.

Get the IDs

You need froms your app settings in "Key and Access Token" tab,

  • the Consumer Key (API Key)
  • the Consumer Secret (API Secret)

And then click on the button below which will generate the following OAuth tokens from your account:

  • the Access Token
  • the Access Token Secret This button also add your app ont your account's granted applications.

Also, you should visit the "Permission" tab to tick "Read an Write" in order to finish the set up.

Set up with LinkedIn


You need this module, unless you used our pip bundle.

Register your app

You have to register a LikedIn app here

Get the IDs

You need in your app's details:

  • API Key
  • API Secret
  • Token utilisateur OAuth
  • Access Token Secret

Nothing more! LinkedIn is now ready to use.

Set up with Tumblr


You need the pytumblr API, unless you used our pip bundle.

Register your app

Let's [create] your own Tumblr app

Get the IDs

Still you want

  • OAuth consumer key
  • OAuth consumer secret

Then you have to go to the api console and enter those two keys to grant the API to publish on the account you're logged with.

this gives you a code like the following one:

// Authenticate via OAuth
var tumblr = require('tumblr.js');
var client = tumblr.createClient({
  consumer_key: 'eqdUYkdkAk3A66v8OttkpcUyu70X5Qw7pXXXXXXXXXXXX',
  consumer_secret: '9icV4lZ7CRHkqR5vlvxoVh9g2mE4XKaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',

So you have the token and the token_secret which are also useful.

You now have all you need for Tumblr.

Set up with WordPress

Use your WP account

As a WordPress blog owner, you need a WP account. Just complete the fields with your username and password, and the url of the website you want to publish on, adding "xmlrpc.php" as following : https://my-website/wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php

WordPress is now ready to use.