
CSV fill in the blank editor

etl, network-automation
pip install FilMoreBlanks==1.0.0



CSV File fill-in-the-blank Editor

FilMoreBlanks take a CSV and parses it for a specific string and fills that value with a chosen value. This works from 1:1 to 1:many value swaps.

Getting started

  • Place the CSV in the project main dir (for manual moves)
  • fill out the config.yaml file that is located in the examples folder
  • run the script using the quick start below
  • POOF 💨
  • you have a CSV that's just that much more useful to you

Files being moved

  • processed files will move to the filled_files dir (Will be created in project path)
  • the CSV used in the script will be moved to the archived dir (Will be created in project path)
  • Config file will be moved to FilMoreBlanks_Configs (Will be created in project path)

Quick Start

# move the config file to the project dir when running (recommended)
python3 -config_file config.yaml

using as an import

when using as an import it will create a class object of the completed work, no config files are needed since it interacts with the main function directly.

pip install FilMoreBlanks
import pandas as pd
from FilMoreBlanks import blanket_fill

dat = pd.read_csv('test_csv.csv')
bf = blanket_fill.BlanketFill(df_data=dat)

config_dict = {
    "new servers": [
    "": [
    '': [

affect_only_columns_dict = {'':'source'}
res = bf.filled_data