
SQLAlchemy based e-mail sending extension for Flask

pip install Flask-MailAlchemy==0.4



SQLAlchemy based e-mail sending extension for Flask.


The provided MailAlchemy extension object registers a Flask-Mail instance and an Email model class through Flask-SQLAlchemy.

Flask-MailAlchemy can be configured with the same parameters as Flask-Mail Additional parameters include MAIL_PER_MINUTE, MAIL_PER_HOUR and MAIL_PER_DAY.


The MailAlchemy extension can be initialized like any other Flask extension. Flask-SQLAlchemy instance is needed. Custom Email model can be provided for extending the model with extra functionality (e.g.: Adding foreign key to user table). If email_class is None, a simple Email model is used. You can also provide the Flask app after initialization with mail.init_app(app).

from flask import Flask
from flask_mailalchemy import MailAlchemy, Message, EmailMixin
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class Email(db.Model, EmailMixin):
    recipient_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id'))

mail = MailAlchemy(app, db, Email)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sending mails

To send email instantly, use the send() or send_message() methods just like in Flask-Mail. Additionally, message content can be rendered from templates with the render_template() method. Templates should be saved in the templates/mail/ directory. The method expects the template name without extension and uses .html and .txt files for message body.

msg = Message(
   subject="Test Mail",
   sender=("Sender Name", "sender@address.com"),
   recipients=("recipient1@example.com", "recipient2@example.com")
mail.render_template(msg, "hello_world", name="John")


Using worker

It might be a good idea to handle the sending of e-mails in the background in a separate thread. This way we can schedule e-mails to be sent at a specific time in the future and handle mail server limitations. These limitations can be set in the Flask config with the values MAIL_PER_MINUTE, MAIL_PER_HOUR and MAIL_PER_DAY. To schedule an e-mail to send, use the schedule() or schedule_mesage() methods.

def mail_test():
    msg = Message(
        subject="Test Mail",
        sender=("Sender Name", "sender@address.com"),
        recipients=("recipient1@example.com", "recipient2@example.com")
    mail.render_template(msg, "hello_world", name="John")
    mail.schedule(msg, datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0))

if __name__ == '__main__':


There is a base template available in the templates/mail/ directory, which is consists of 4 regular blocks and one content block.

{% block header %}{% include "mail/blocks/header.html" %}{% endblock %}

{% block greetings %}{% include "mail/blocks/greetings.html" %}{% endblock %}

{% block content%}{% endblock %}

{% block sign_off %}{% include "mail/blocks/sign_off.html" %}{% endblock %}

{% block footer %}{% include "mail/blocks/footer.html" %}{% endblock %}

The regular blocks are found in templates/mail/blocks. The base and block templates have both an HTML and a plaintext version. For your e-mail templates simply extend the base template and override the content block.

{% extends 'mail/base.html' %}

{% block content %}
<p>Hello {{name}}!</p>
{% endblock %}