
Simple MongoDB Administrative Interface for Flask

pip install Flask-MongoMyAdmin==0.1



This is an Apache2-licensed Flask extension to perform basic queries and updates to MongoDB collections. It is a thin wrapper around pymongo, and as such it relies on it for validation and error checking.

This is a work in progres; I would love for this to become a feature-complete frontend to MongoDB which makes it easy to add on to any flask project.

There are several screenshots in the screenshots/ directory. Take a look to get a sense of what this dashboard looks like.


  • Connect to Mongo databases or replica sets
  • Browse all databases available to a given connection string
  • Create new collections (specify capped, max size, etc)
  • Run queries against collections
  • Create and edit documents
  • Handles AutoReconnect errors and connection string errors

There are many useful things which are not yet part of this extension. Pull requests are absolutely welcome.


Couldn't be easier:

$ pip install Flask-MongoMyAdmin


All you need is a valid MongoDB connection URI. This extension can manage multiple databases. You set them via key-value pairs in app.config['MONGOMYADMIN_DATABASES'].

The key is just a display name for that mongo connection. You may set it to whatever you would like. The value is a mongo connection string.

Here is a sample Flask app to get started:

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.mongomyadmin import MongoMyAdmin

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'app secret key'

    'local': 'mongodb://',
    'remote_qa': 'mongodb://user@pass:mongo.example.com:27017',

m = MongoMyAdmin(app)

def index():
    return 'hello'

if __name__ == '__main__':

From there, navigate to http://localhost:5000/MongoMyAdmin and you will see your databases.