
handle errors that can be reported to the web client

pip install Flask-ReportableError==0.4.3




Flask-ReportableError is a Flask extension for handling errors that can be reported to the web client.


In order to use Flask-ReportableError, you must include the following statement in you application start script:

from flask import Flask
import flask_reportable_error

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config.from_envvar('FLASK_SETTINGS', silent=True)


  • flask_reportable_error.init(): context initializer, it must receive the application as parameter.

  • flask_reportable_error.mixin: class decorator that declares the decorated class as mixin with reportable exceptions.

  • flask_reportable_error.reportable(): factory to create reportable exception classes. For example:

    raise reportable(ValueError)('invalid data received')
  • flask_reportable_error.ReportableErrorMixin: mixin for reportable exception classes.

    • report(): method that returns the reportable string – can be overridden.
    • status_code: property representing the numeric status code – can be set at instance level.
    • template: attribute refering to custom template name.
    • headers: attribute refering to custom headers.
    • type_name: attribute set by reportable() on inheritance, with the name of the original exception class.


The Flask settings may contain the key REPORTABLE_ERROR, that’s a dictionary with the following keys:

  • LOGLEVEL: the logging level. If not supplied, Flask-ReportableError uses logging.ERROR.
  • DEFAULT_STATUS_CODE: the default numeric status code for reportable exception classes. By default it’s 500.
  • TEMPLATE: the name of a template to be used instead of none. The context of the template will contain the exception as value of the exc key.
  • HEADERS: a dictionary to be used as default headers instead of {}.