
Boilerplate Flask extension.

pip install Flask-Wings==0.5



Flask-Wings is a boilerplate for writing Flask extensions. Itself it is a tiny Flask extension that just adds some views and templates to the parent app. Take a look at tests/app.py for a usage example.

Use Flask-Wings as a starting point for creating your own Flask extensions. The source code is minimalistic but strives to agree with standard practices. Included are minimum frameworks that make the extension a fully-fledged distributable Python package:

  • tests directory with a minimal set of tests
  • integration with Travis CI and Coveralls
  • setuptools config
  • docs build using Sphinx
  • deployment to PyPI and GitHub Pages with make commands
  • etc.

Start by creating you own repo. Then pull Flask-Wings into it.

mkdir my-cool-extension
cd my-cool-extension
git init
git remote add flask-wings https://github.com/vmlaker/flask-wings
git pull flask-wings master

Now start coding! Check out the makefile to see a micro develpment cycle.