
a package that allows you to automatically revolve your http requests through various proxies

pip install FreeProxyRevolver==0.1.0



This package provides implements requests library and automatically routes your requests through proxies, automatically revolving to the next proxy when requests become unsuccessful through it


pip3 install FreeProxyRevolver


import FreeProxyRevolver

pr = FreeProxyRevolver.Revolver()

# Use just like requests
response = pr.get("", min_anon_level=1)

# This specifies to only use anonymous proxies or better, test that they're truly anonymous, and rotate proxies a maximum of 6 times before giving up on rotating for different response code
anon_pr = FreeProxyRevolver.Revolver(min_anon_level=1, max_rotates=6, test=True)
anon_response = anon_pr.get("", min_anon_level=1)

You can also specify to use a fake user agent in requests like this: pr.get("", use_fake_ua=True). Websites will often block requests if there is not a user agent header, this will take care of that issue for you

FreeProxyRevolver.Revolver() also has a couple of parameters you can set in order to configure it. Here's a list of them all:

parameter purpose
rotate_on_code A list of http response codes that should trigger a rotation of which proxy is used. Default: [429, 403]
rotate_not_on_code A list of http response codes that should trigger a rotation of which proxy is used if the returned code is not on the list. Default: [429, 403]
max_rotates The maximum proxy rotations that should be tried before giving up on rotating proxies and just returning whatever was retrieved, regardless of response code. Default: 6
min_anon_level Specifies the minimum anonymous level proxies used must meet. Level 0: transparent (server knows your ip), Level 1: Anonymous (server know you're using a proxy, but doesn't know your real ip.), Level 2: HIA/Elite (Server doesn't know your true ip or know that you are using a proxy). Default: 0
test Specifies if proxies should be tested for if they leak your ip and claim to be anonymous.