
Tensor multiplication in C++

Tensor algebra, C++, C++11, Python bindings, pybind11, algebra, cppmat, python, python3, tensor
pip install GooseTensor==0.0.3



Python module to perform simple tensor multiplications. This module is extremely compact and simple, as it just provides a front-end for the C++ library <cppmat/tensor.h>.

The module is based on three types of tensors, which are each NumPy arrays (below exemplified using zero-tensors):

Type cppmat type Definition in Python
Vectors cppmat::cartesian::vector np.zeros((nd))
2nd order tensors cppmat::cartesian::tensor2 np.zeros((nd,nd))
4th order tensors cppmat::cartesian::tensor4 np.zeros((nd,nd,nd,nd))

The cppmat tensors with a special structure (i.e. cppmat::tensor2s and cppmat::tensor2d) are not available from Python.

The following functions are available, whereby the trailing (two) number(s) of both the functions and the variables are indicative for the rank of the input tensor(s).

  • C4 = ddot44 ( A4, B4 )

    Double tensor contraction Cijmn = Aijkl Blkmn

  • C2 = ddot42 ( A4 , B2 )

    Double tensor contraction Cij = Aijkl Blk

  • C2 = ddot24 ( A2 , B4 )

    Double tensor contraction Ckl = Aij Bjikl

  • C = ddot22 ( A2 , B2 )

    Double tensor contraction C = Aij Bji

  • C2 = dot22 ( A2 , B2 )

    Tensor contraction Cik = Aij Bjk

  • C1 = dot21 ( A2 , B1 )

    Tensor contraction Ci = Aij Bj

  • C1 = dot12 ( A1 , B2 )

    Tensor contraction Cj = Ai Bij

  • C = dot11 ( A1 , B1 )

    Tensor contraction C = Ai Bi

  • C4 = dyadic22 ( A2 , B2 )

    Dyadic product Cijkl = Aij Bkl

  • C2 = dyadic11 ( A1 , B1 )

    Dyadic product Cij = Ai Bj

  • C1 = cross ( A1 , B1 )

    Cross product Ci

  • C4 = transpose4 ( A4 )

    Transposition Clkji = Aijkl

  • C4 = transpose4L ( A4 )

    Left-transposition Cjikl = Aijkl

  • C4 = transpose4R ( A4 )

    Right-transposition Cijlk = Aijkl

  • C2 = transpose2 ( A2 )

    Transposition Cji = Aij

  • C = trace2 ( A2 )

    The trace of the tensor (i.e. the sum of the diagonal components) C = Aii

  • C = det2 ( A2 )

    The determinant C

  • C2 = inv2 ( A2 )

    The inverse Cij


Pre-compiled version using PyPi


pip3 install GooseTensor

(replace pip3 with the Python version you'd want to use, e.g. by pip).

Local build

To compile and install this module use

python3 build
python3 install

(replace python3 with the executable of the Python version you'd want to use, e.g. by python).


Create a new release

  1. Update the version number by modifying __version__ in

  2. Upload the changes to GitHub and create a new release there (with the correct version number).

  3. Upload the package to PyPi:

    $ python3 bdist_wheel --universal
    $ twine upload dist/*