
High Energy Physics Plotting Interface

Heppi, plotting, pyROOT, ROOT, HEP, CERN
pip install Heppi==0.4



Documentation Status

A High Energy Physics Plotting Interface

How to run

Produce a stacked plots

  • To run heepi plotmaker you have to run the script plot
  • you can print the options of the script by typing .\plot --help
  • To plot all the variables in a given plot card you can simply run :
  • if you want to print one variable in the plotcard you can replace the option --all by --variable or just -v followed by the name of the variable.

example : .. code-block:

./plot -s /dir/to/merged/trees --load plotcard.json -v var1
  • further options can be found by just typing plot --help

How to write a valid plotcard ?

  • Produce the plotcard using a processe.json files and input root file.
  • The tree name must be specified
  • the * will be replaced automatically by the remaining name of the tree found in the VBFMVADumper directory.
  • This is for the use of .. `flashgg`: https://github.com/cms-analysis/flashgg type dumper trees only, a more standard version will be pushed soon


  • Run the setup script to install the dependencies: python setup.py develop --user or run : pip install --user jsmin termcolor progressbar jsonmerge, both ways works on lxplus.
  • ROOT env must be set, I recomend to setup CMSSW env before runnning the previous commands


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.