
A package for reading, writing, and editing of JSON files, Python dictionaries, and such.

pip install JSONifier==0.0.7


JSONifier << Click there for package details

A package for reading, writing, and editing of JSON files, Python dictionaries, and such.



Build a JSONifier object from a dict or a readable file. (Params and usage below)


  *These params are used in the initialization of an instance of this class.*

  mode : str
      Define the mode in which to read and parse the given `data`.

  data : Any
      The data for the JSONifier object.

  mode : str
      *Set when a new instance of the class is made.*

  data : Any
      *Set when a new instance of the class is made.*

  valid_modes : list
      *List of valid modes for instantiating a new JSONifier object.*

  call_methods : list
      *List of valid methods for the call function.*

  call_return_methods : list
      *List of valid methods for specifying how to get the instance data back from the call method.*

  write_methods : list
      *List of valid methods for writing to a json file.*

  call(self, ret) - _builtin_
      The call function (calling an instance as a function).  `ret` is the return method.

  init(self, mode: str = None, data: Any = None) - _builtin_
      *Make a new instance.  Refer to `params` for information on the parameters.*

  create(cls, mode, data)
      *Alternative constructor for the class.*

  fromFile(cls, file)
      *Alternative constructor from a file path.*

  fromDict(cls, file)
      *Alternative constructor from a supplied dictionary.*

      *Return the instance's data.*

  replace(self, key=None, value=None)
      *Replace the specified key with the specified value.*

  write(method="json", file=None, data=None)
      *Write to a specific file the data supplied.