Python Library that runs Javascript

pip install JSPy==1.0.0


JSPy Build Status

Run JavaScript through Python


To use this library, you must first install the library (pip3 install JSPy)

In your code, you must import JSPy package by including import JSPy.

To execute JavaScript, use the command JSPy.exec(JAVASCRIPT_STRING), where the JAVASCRIPT_STRING is the JavaScript you would like to run. This will automatically run the file and return anything that the system returns.

If you would like to execute a JavaScript File, use the command print(JSPy.exec("FILE", "file")), where FILE is the filename. This will automatically run the file and return anything that the system returns. If an error is thrown relating to the filename, you may have to include the file path.

Common Errors

If you get a JavaScript Runtime Error, you can use the following commands:

sudo apt-get install npm
sudo apt-get install nodejs

If you do not have sudo permissions, you can use the following commands:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.0/install.sh | bash
nvm install stable
nvm alias default stable

If you are using a Windows Computer/Server, download nodejs from https://nodejs.org/. You may have to restart your computer/server for this to be configured.

Unnoticed Errors

If you would like to report any errors, please open an issue. If you know how to fix the issue, please submit appropriate changes.