A full stack Flask based framework that put structure in the file system. Features: Caching, Mailing, Storage, CSRF, recaptcha and more

flask, juice, templates, views, classy, framework, mvc, blueprint
pip install Juice==0.0.23



A batteries included Flask based framework to rapidly develop web/API applications.

It comes with User Login section, Admin section to quickly get you going.

Also it includes a Publisher admin, to quickly post blogs, create dynamic pages on the site.

Version: 0.0.*


pip install juice

Create a new app

cd your_dir 

juice create -p www

Setup Project

cd your_dir 

python cmd.py setup

Start your server

juice serve -p www

Go to

Read The Docs

To dive into the documentation, Read the docs @ http://mardix.github.io/Juice/

Read The Docs

Read the docs @ http://mardix.github.io/Juice/

Contribution with Documentation

The documentation is written in Markdown and is located under /docs

MkDocs is used to create HTML from the /docs files.

At the root of the directory, MkDocs uses the conf file mkdocs.yml. To add new menu, add it under pages

Edit Docs & make pull requests

Edit the files that needs updates or needs to be created under /docs. Files are in Markdown format.

If you are adding a new doc file, you may want to put it in mkdocs.yml under pages so it can be shown in the menu.

Run this command to see the changes and look etc

mkdocs serve

Then commit and push your code in master to make a pull request.

Do not COMMIT or PUSH the /site directory generated by MkDocs.

But if you wish to publish the doc site under your own github domain, run the command below:

mkdocs gh-deploy --clean

But it's still best to make a pull request and share the docs.

That's it.