Python library for creating, testing, and deploying small single-page web applications using AWS Lambda and API-Gateway

pip install LambdaPage==0.0.12



Framework for serving static pages through AWS Lambda and API Gateway


Install with pip:

pip install LambdaPage


Simple examples with corresponding Serverless configuration files can be found in the examples directory


A page is composed by one or more endpoints. Each endpoint should define a REST method, a path, and a function that will handle the request with that method and path. Endpoints can also optionally specify a content-type for the response payload, this defaults to application/json (static html pages should use text/html;charset=utf-8).

Each endpoint function should accept a single argument and return a tuple with (status_code:int, response_body:str). The argument will be a Lambda-Proxy event Regardless of content-type, the response body should always be in string format. Also note that given paths are matched with incoming requests as if they were prefixes, meaning the request will be routed to the first available matching prefix. This can be confusing if you have multiple paths with similar prefixes, so be sure to always add the more specific paths first.

LambdaPage also allows for caching responses. This should primarily be done for GET requests that require several seconds to return. Currently only a S3LambdaPageCache is available, this can be added to a LambdaPage by instantiating it with a bucket and optionally a max_age for cached items (defaults to 300 seconds).


This framework provides a nice wsgi test bed powered by Falcon. Simply set up the LambdaPage and call start_local(). Note this should be done under 'main' so Lambda doesn't try to execute this code:

def hello(event):
    return 200, '{"message": "hello world"}'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from LambdaPage import LambdaPage
    page = LambdaPage()
    page.add_endpoint(method='get', path='/', func=hello)

Then go to in a browser.