Distribution of LaueTools Package from gitlab.esrf.fr repository for pip

Lauetools, x-ray, scattering, data, analysis, GUI, Laue, bm32esrf, diffraction, laue-diffraction, xray, xray-crystallography, xray-diffraction, xray-imaging
pip install LaueTools==3.0.93




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Welcome to LaueTools's DOCUMENTATION!

Last revision (February 2024)

LaueTools information on BM32 beamline website:


1- Download LaueTools code

But it is highly recommended to use python 3 to take benefit from all capabilities

2a- Launch Graphical User Interfaces of LaueTools

  • start Lauetools GUIs from command line :

Normally, in a command window (if environment variables are well set) 3 main GUIs can be launched:

> lauetools   for the main GUI
> peaksearch  for batch Laue pattern peak search processing
> indexrefine   for batch Laue pattern indexing and unit cell (strain) refinement
> buildsummary    to compile all results from indexrefine analysis
> plotmap    to plot 2D map of structural quantities from file built previously
> plotmeshgui   to plot 2D map from counters values in (spec) logfile

2b- Use LaueTools module as a library

With pip installation, LaueTools package will be included to python packages. Therefore any module will be callable as the following:

-In [1] : import LaueTools.readmccd as rmccd

-In [2] : rmccd.readCCDimage(‘myimage.tif’)

In jupyter-notebook, it is also simple in the same manner:

.. image:: /images/notebook0.jpg