
LeakDB is a very simple and fast key value store for Python

pip install LeakDB==0.2



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Why ?

For the fun o/


LeakDB is a very simple and fast key value store for Python.

All data is stored in memory and the persistence is defined by the user. A max queue size can be defined for a auto-flush.


This code has been run on Python 2.7. You should install gevent through your system packages management.

$ pip install LeakDB #and enjoy


>>> from leakdb import PersistentQueueStorage
>>> leak = PersistentQueueStorage(filename='/tmp/foobar.db')

# set the value of a key
>>> leak.set('bar', {'foo': 'bar'})
>>> leak.set('foo', 2, key_prefix='bar_')

# increment a key
>>> leak.incr(key='bar_foo', delta=5)

>>> leak.incr(key='foobar', initial_value=1000)

# looks up multiple keys
>>> leak.get_multi(keys=['bar', 'foobar'])
 {u'foobar': 1000, u'bar': {u'foo': u'bar'}}

# ensure changes are sent to disk
>>> print leak
 /tmp/foobar.db 12288 bytes :: 3 items in queue :: 3 items in storage memory

>>> leak.flush(force=True)
 /tmp/foobar.db 12338 bytes :: 0 items in queue :: 3 items in storage memory

>>> leak.close()


  • DefaultStorage :: The default storage, all API operations are implemented set set_multi incr decr get_multi delete
  • QueueStorage :: Use the DefaultStorage with a queue. You can override the QueueStorage.worker_process method and make what you want when the flush method is called.
from leakdb import QueueStorage

class MyQueueStorage(QueueStorage):

    def worker_process(self, item):
        """ Default action execute by each worker.
            Must return a True statement to remove the item,
            otherwise the worker put the item into the queue.
        logger.info('process item :: {}'.format(item))
        return True
  • PersistentStorage :: Use the DefaultStorage, otherwise each operation is stored through the shelve module.
  • PersistentQueueStorage :: Use the QueueStorage and the PersistentStorage.
# see also the API part
from leakdb import PersistentQueueStorage

storage = PersistentQueueStorage(filename="/tmp/foobar.db",  maxsize=1, workers=1)
# the queue is auto-flush, each operations check the queue size
storage.set('foo', 1)


  • finish the transport layer through zeroMQ
  • cleanup the code
  • improves the unittests
  • write a CLI
  • benchmark each storage