
A locally-run cover generator for MyAnimeList.

MyAnimeList, CSS, User, Customization
pip install MalFox==0.2.0



A locally-run cover generator for MyAnimeList written with Python 3.7. Generates CSS files for high resolutions covers. Currently extremely barebones.

This project is more of a fun experiment than something I expect to announce loudly to the world. It is named after Doomcat's "MalCat", even though it's far inferior.

How To Use

This script requires your MAL list to be public. You may need to install the requests module prior to running the script:

pip install requests

Run via command line and pass it up to three arguments: username, list type, and CSS preset.

Valid types: 'anime', 'manga', 'both'

Valid presets: 'dataimagelink', 'dataimagelinkbefore', 'dataimagelinkafter', 'datatitlelink', 'datatitlelinkbefore', 'datatitlelinkafter', 'animetitle', 'animetitlebefore', 'animetitleafter', 'more'

If no type or preset is provided, it defaults to 'both' + 'dataimagelinkbefore'.

Example command line prompt: Valerio_Lyndon both dataimagelink

This tutorial will be improved in the future if/when this script is also improved.

Vaguely Planned Concepts

  • Proper Python formatting, allowing easier install through pip (including module dependency direction). I'm kinda bad so I am still figuring out how to do this.
  • Automatic uploading of files to Dropbox (and perhaps other hosts). Would automatically override files if they exist.
  • Toggle for combining anime/manga files into one output file (not valid for 'more' preset).