A handler for urllib2 to enable multipart form uploading
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pip install MultipartPostHandler2==0.1.5
MultipartPostHandler2 ===================== MultipartPostHandler for pyhton 2 Usage: Enables the use of multipart/form-data for posting forms Inspirations: Upload files in python: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/146306 urllib2_file: Fabien Seisen: <fabien@seisen.org> Example: import MultipartPostHandler, urllib2 opener = urllib2.build_opener(MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler) params = { "username" : "bob", "password" : "riviera", "file" : open("filename", "rb") } opener.open("http://wwww.bobsite.com/upload/", params) Further Example: The main function of this file is a sample which downloads a page and then uploads it to the W3C validator.