
This package simplifies the extraction of data from OLX websites.

pip install OlxPy==


This package simplifies the extraction of data from OLX websites (olx.ua, olx.pl, olx.kz). It allows users to programmatically retrieve listings, such as real estate, vehicles, or job offers, directly from OLX.

How to use it?

First you need to download this package to your computer system by doing this command:

pip install OlxPy

Now it's ready to work. In your python file, you'll need to import this package:

from OlxPy import OlxParser

You've just imported an OlxParser class. Then you need to create a class object:

var_name = OlxParser()

OlxParser has one available argument -logging=True/False(True by default). Logging is responsible for printing detailed information about parsing process. To start parsing products from OLX, you'll need to use OlxParser method called get_products(url, amount) (where amount is not necessary argument):

url_example = "https://www.olx.ua/uk/elektronika/"
parser = OlxParser()

After you run a code you should see this messages:

Parsing https://www.olx.ua/uk/elektronika/?page=1 (response code: 200) (done)
Parsing https://www.olx.ua/uk/elektronika/?page=2 (response code: 200) (done)
Parsing https://www.olx.ua/uk/elektronika/?page=3 (response code: 200) (done)

These messages are saying that parsing ad's urls on each page is done successfully. After that you'll start to see this messages about "Getting information":

Getting information:
  • https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/libertys-f12-m-b-2l-nova-kavomashina-prodazh-IDWkYXf.html (response code: 200) (done)
  • https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/telefon-huawei-mate-30-pro-8-256gb-dual-IDWDPJw.html (response code: 200) (done)
  • https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/novinka-bezdrotov-navushniki-arpods-3-groskop-chp-huilian-a10-IDUyrz1.html (response code: 200) (done)
  • https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/prodam-aparat-uf-vipromnyuvannya-novator-IDTzLdy.html (response code: 200) (done)
  • https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/blok-zhivlennya-12v-dlya-led-jinbo-jlv-12400kb-IDPSL4Y.html (response code: 200) (done)
  • https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/detskiy-ingalyator-kompressornyy-microlife-neb-400-IDWeuv6 (response code: 200) (done)

Now your program is on a phase where main information is picking. After all that get_products method will just return a list full of OlxAd class objects. OlxAd class objects contains: ad_title, ad_price, ad_url, ad_images(list full of ad's images urls). Here's example:

from OlxPy import OlxParser

url_example = "https://www.olx.ua/uk/elektronika/"
parser = OlxParser()
ads = parser.get_products(url_example)
print(ads[0].ad_title, ads[0].ad_price, ads[0].ad_url, ads[0].ad_images)


Преміум Якість! BatteryPack MagSafe 5000 mAh/ PowerBank/ Apple 699 грн. https://www.olx.ua/d/uk/obyavlenie/premum-yakst-batterypack-magsafe-5000-mah-powerbank-apple-IDWtbYN.html ['https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/yx7cd
0u2t2c-UA/image;s=750x1000', 'https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/grzza7hf5ycj1-UA/image;s=750x1000', 'https://ireland.apollo.olxcdn.com:443/v1/files/oohfrff0t99c1-UA/image;s=750x1000']

As you see everything is working just fine!

Error logs

In rare cases you can face some errors. Some of them will give you error_logs.txt, what you need to do with them? First, try to fix url or restart the code, if it's not working, please provide error_logs.txt to me, and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.


This project is still in a phase of developing, so the risk of facing errors is really high. Anyway if you face some of them please provide it to GitHub Issues, I will be really grateful.

Thanks for attention!