
Politics & War API wrapper for Python

pnw, politicsandwar
pip install PW4py==0.1.1


PW4py: Politics & War API wrapper for Python

Currently Implemented API Endpoints

  • Unauthenticated APIs:

    • Nation API
    • Alliance API
    • work still in progress
  • Authenticated APIs:

    • none, work still in progress


  • Easy to use
  • Object oriented (take this with a grain of salt, it's my first OOP project xD)
  • No need worry about Alex's inability to use correct typing 🙄
  • Built-in cache for better performance in non-time-critical APIs in progress
  • Supports both requests and aiohttp backends in progress


PW4py is now on PyPI, so you can just install it by doing:

pip install pw4py


  1. Load it:
    import pw4py
    # default
    pw4py.init(key = "abcdef12345")
    # use the test server
    pw4py.load(test_server = True, key = "abcdef12345")
  2. Init an object of the API you want to use:
    from pw4py import Nation    # so you don't have to type pw4py.Nation() every time
    nation = Nation(id)
  3. Use it!
    name = str(nation)
    cityids = nation.cityids
    color = nation.get("color")
    # etc...

Issues or suggestions

Feel free to make a new issue here if you find any bugs, encounter any problems, or have a feature suggestion. If you know how to fix it or how to implement a new feature, please do! Fork the repo, and submit a pull request :)