
Pointa Dedicated Server & CLI Based Client

pip install Pointa==0.2.33


Pointa! Project


| Chinese |

Table of Contents


"Pointa!" is a board game which is simple to learn & enjoy. Meanwhile you can also play the game with pen and paper, this repository is meant to implement the game in python.

About Game Instruction

We suggest you that having at least a glancing is benefit for no matter playing or developing the game. It not only helps you to get familiar with the " Proper noun " we used in games, but also, is fun.

Game Instructions


The project is based on Python, so make sure your python version is above 3.7.

The project uses Pypi

$ pip install Pointa

Some of the known issues

To host a server, we strongly suggest you that use the python whose version is above 3.6, use 3.7 for the best. There are already some issues about asyncio had been discovered but the reason is still unknown. If you discover more issues like this, open a new issue please.


After the installation, you can use both client and dedicated server

As Client

$ python -m Pointa.Client -l [languageCode]

Supported Language Codes

As Server

$ python -m Pointa.Server -p

Start a development server by removing -p

About server configuring

flask is what we used to build server, so most of the configurable options are the options available in original flask, go to ./Pointa/Server/configs/Config.py to configure the server.


API Refrences (to be done)


Feel free! Sending PRs or Open an issue if you want!

The project follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.


MIT © Red_Cell

Special Thanks to Standard Readme