PyFraME: Python framework for Fragment-based Multiscale Embedding

pip install PyFraME==0.4.0


PyFraME: Python framework for Fragment-based Multiscale Embedding calculations

Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen

PyFraME is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

PyFraME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyFraME. If not, see


PyFraME is a Python package providing a framework for managing fragment-based multiscale embedding calculations. In such calculations, a molecular system is divided into two principal domains: a central core and its environment. The core part is treated at the highest level of theory while the effects from the environment are included effectively through an embedding potential. Using PyFraME the user can automatize the workflow starting from an initial structure to the final embedding potential. It can be used to build a multilayer description of the molecular environment. Each layer can be described either by a standard embedding potential, i.e., using a predefined set of parameters, or by deriving the embedding-potential parameters based on first-principles calculations. For the latter, a fragmentation method is used to subdivide large molecular structures into smaller computationally manageable fragments. The number of layers, as well as the composition and level of theory used for each layer, can be fully customized.

The basic workflow consists of three main steps. First, a molecular structure is given as an input. Currently, PyFraME supports input files in the PDB format. The input file reader extracts information about the structure and composition of the system, and it also defines the basic units of the system, i.e., fragments. Small molecules typically constitute a fragment on their own, but larger molecules need to be broken down into smaller fragments. For example, for proteins, a fragment would usually consist of an amino-acid residue. The molecular system to be used for the embedding calculation is then built by extracting subsets from the full list of fragments according to user-specified criteria, such as name, chain ID, distance, or a combination thereof, and placed into separate regions. As mentioned above, any number of regions may be added, and each can be fully customized. Once the system has been built, the final step is the derivation of the embedding potential. Depending on the specifics, it may involve a large number of separate calculations on the individual fragments in order to compute the embedding-potential parameters. For large molecules, where the parameters cannot be computed directly, PyFraME uses a fragmentation method based on the molecular fractionation with conjugate caps (MFCC) approach to derive the parameters. The individual fragment calculations are typically performed by Dalton and the LoProp Python package but this can be customized. The fragmentation of the system, fragment calculations, and subsequent joining of parameters to build the embedding potential are fully automatized and can make full use of large-scale HPC resources.

For an example showing how PyFraME can be used, see Usage example.

How to cite

To cite PyFraME please use a format similar to the following:

J. M. H. Olsen and contributors, PyFraME: Python framework for Fragment-based Multiscale Embedding (version 0.3.0), 2020. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3820471. See

where the version and DOI should correspond to the actual version that was used. Note that the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.775113 represents all versions, and will always resolve to the latest one. A possible BibTeX entry can be found in the CITATION file. Alternatively, BibTeX and other formats can be generated by Zenodo.


The list of past and current contributors is found here.


To use PyFraME you need:

For certain functionality you will need one or more of the following:

To run the test suite you need:


The PyFraME package can be installed from PyPI directly using pip

pip install [--user] PyFraME

This will also install required dependencies (see above) unless they are already satisfied. The optional --user argument will install PyFraME in a location that is only accessible by the user. It is needed unless you have root privileges and want to install PyFraME in a location accessible by all users, or you are working in a virtual environment.

The entire source including history can be found at GitLab. All releases are also deposited at Zenodo.


If you installed from PyPI, the unit tests can be executed by typing

pytest --pyargs pyframe

in a terminal. To execute the full test suite (unit tests and integration tests), which can be obtained by downloading from GitLab, run


from the PyFraME root directory.


Please report issues here.


Please take a look at the contribution guide.

Usage example

The following commented example is based on a molecular system consisting of a channelrhodopsin protein dimer embedded in a lipid membrane. For examples of how PyFraME can integrated in computational studies of response and transition properties of molecular systems, we refer to our tutorial review article.

import pyframe

# Create MolecularSystem() object. Currently only PDB and a restricted forms of
# PQR files are supported (you can, however, give your own reader as an argument).
system = pyframe.MolecularSystem(input_file='/path/to/input/file.pdb')

# By default fragments are defined by the input but fragments can be modified
# as shown here. This will affect all fragments with the given names.
        new_names=['LYSB', 'LYSS', 'RET'],
        fragment_definitions=[['N', 'H', 'CA', 'HA', 'C', 'O'],
                              ['CB', 'HB1', 'HB2', 'CG', 'HG1', 'HG2', 'CD',
                               'HD1', 'HD2', 'CE', 'HE1', 'HE2'],
                              ['NZ', 'HZ', 'C15', 'H15', 'C14', 'H14', 'C13',
                               'C20', '1H20', '2H20', '3H20', 'C12', 'H12',
                               'C11', 'H11', 'C10', 'H10', 'C9', 'C19', '1H19',
                               '2H19', '3H19', 'C8', 'H8', 'C7', 'H7', 'C6',
                               'C5', 'C18', '1H18', '2H18', '3H18', 'C4',
                               'H41', 'H42', 'C3', 'H31', 'H32', 'C2', 'H21',
                               'H22', 'C1', 'C16', '1H16', '2H16', '3H16',
                               'C17', '1H17', '2H17', '3H17']])

        new_names=['POP1', 'POP2', 'POP3', 'POP4', 'POP5'],
        fragment_definitions=[['N', 'HN1', 'HN2', 'HN3', 'C12', 'H12A', 'H12B',
                               'C11', 'H11A', 'H11B', 'P', 'O13', 'O14', 'O11',
                               'O12', 'C1', 'HA', 'HB', 'C2', 'HS', 'O21',
                               'C3', 'HX', 'HY', 'O31'],
                              ['C21', 'O22', 'C22', 'H2R', 'H2S', 'C23', 'H3R',
                               'H3S', 'C24', 'H4R', 'H4S', 'C25', 'H5R', 'H5S',
                               'C26', 'H6R', 'H6S', 'C27', 'H7R', 'H7S', 'C28',
                               'H8R', 'H8S', 'C29', 'H91'],
                              ['0C21', '1H10', '1C21', 'H11R', 'H11S', '2C21',
                               'H12R', 'H12S', '3C21', 'H13R', 'H13S', '4C21',
                               'H14R', 'H14S', '5C21', 'H15R', 'H15S', '6C21',
                               'H16R', 'H16S', '7C21', 'H17R', 'H17S', '8C21',
                               'H18R', 'H18S', 'H18T'],
                              ['C31', 'O32', 'C32', 'H2X', 'H2Y', 'C33', 'H3X',
                               'H3Y', 'C34', 'H4X', 'H4Y', 'C35', 'H5X', 'H5Y',
                               'C36', 'H6X', 'H6Y', 'C37', 'H7X', 'H7Y', 'C38',
                               'H8X', 'H8Y', 'C39', 'H9X', 'H9Y'],
                              ['0C31', 'H10X', 'H10Y', '1C31', 'H11X', 'H11Y',
                               '2C31', 'H12X', 'H12Y', '3C31', 'H13X', 'H13Y',
                               '4C31', 'H14X', 'H14Y', '5C31', 'H15X', 'H15Y',
                               '6C31', 'H16X', 'H16Y', 'H16Z']])

# Take fragments and put them in core region.
core = system.get_fragments_by_identifier(identifiers=['248_A_RET'])
core += system.get_fragments_by_distance(distance=3.0, reference=core,
system.set_core_region(core, basis='pcseg-2')

# Take out protein (here I use chain id because all protein fragments have the
# same id).
protein = system.get_fragments_by_chain_id(chain_ids=['A'])

# Add a region and place the protein in it. Note that each of these settings
# have defaults and that there are more than those shown here.
system.add_region(name='protein', fragments=protein, use_mfcc=True,
                  mfcc_order=2, use_multipoles=True, multipole_order=2,
                  multipole_basis='loprop-6-31+G*', use_polarizabilities=True,

lipids = system.get_fragments_by_distance_and_name(
        names=['POP1', 'POP2', 'POP3', 'POP4', 'POP5'],
system.add_region(name='lipid', fragments=lipids, use_mfcc=True, mfcc_order=2,
                  use_multipoles=True, multipole_order=2,
                  multipole_basis='loprop-6-31+G*', use_polarizabilities=True,

ions = system.get_fragments_by_distance_and_name(distance=8.0,
                                                 names=['NA', 'CL'],
system.add_region(name='ion', fragments=ions, use_multipoles=True,
                  multipole_order=0, multipole_basis='6-31+G*',
                  use_polarizabilities=True, polarizability_basis='6-31+G*')

solvents = system.get_fragments_by_distance_and_name(distance=8.0,
system.add_region(name='solvent', fragments=solvents, use_multipoles=True,
                  multipole_order=2, multipole_basis='loprop-6-31+G*',

# Create Project() object
project = pyframe.Project()

# Set path to scratch directory.
# This will be used by the auxiliary programs, e.g. Dalton or MOLCAS.
project.scratch_dir = '/path/to/scratch'

# Set path to working directory (it will be created if it does not exist).
# This directory will contain the final output files from PyFraME (e.g. Dalton
# mol and pot files), and a directory for each fragment which will contain
# output from the auxiliary program, e.g. Dalton or MOLCAS.
project.work_dir = '/path/to/work'

# Specifies the number of jobs that will be run on each node.
# A fragment may require one or more calculations run by an auxiliary program.
# Each of these counts as a job.
project.jobs_per_node = 2

# Specifies memory per job.
# Note that this amount will be shared by MPI processes
project.memory_per_job = 2048 * 12

# Number of MPI processes per job
project.mpi_procs_per_job = 12

# You can manually specify the name of nodes that should be used to run jobs.
# PyFraME will attempt to autodetect nodes from SLURM and PBS/Torque queuing
# systems. For example:
# project.node_list = ['{0}'.format(os.environ['HOSTNAME'])]

# Prints all the details regarding the setup. Note that all of the settings
# demonstrated above have defaults which are shown with the method below.

# This will start the fragment calculations using the using the auxiliary
# programs and settings defined when creating the regions.

# Write potential file containing all parameters of the embedding potential.

# Write molecule file containing the core quantum region.