A Minecraft modding library made for Python.

pip install PyModMC==1.2.2a0



PyModMC is a Minecraft modding library made for Python. It is built on top of the Fabric API. The project is still in it's early stages and in future updates I am planning to add:

  • Blocks
  • Potions
  • Tools and Armor
  • Crops
  • Crafting Recipes
  • UI
  • Entities
  • World Generation/Dimensions

In order to make Minecraft mods, you need a Java Development Kit. You can get one here. You might have already downloaded a JDK on your computer. In that case, you can run the javac command in your terminal to find out.


Install PyModMC with pip:

$ pip install PyModMC


Here is an example of PyModMC:

from PyModMC import Mod

test_mod = Mod('Test Mod', '0.0.1', 'A test mod.', '1.16', ['Fluxyn'])
test_mod.Item('Donut', 'food')

The Mod Class

The Mod class is all you need to get started. It contains several functions:

  • save - Converts data into Java and saves it in the mod folder. Used internally by run and build.
  • run - Launches a new instance of Minecraft with Fabric and the mod installed.
  • build - Exports mod as jar file.
  • Item - Creates a new item.
  • FoodItem - Similar to Item, but it is edible.

Other Notes

  • On your first run, PyModMC will scrape the Modrinth API to get every single Fabric version and the corresponding Minecraft version. This can take a couple of minutes, but the data is cached and won't be updated until another version of Fabric is released.