Load shapes from Tiled maps as pymunk objects.

pip install PyMunkTMX==0.5.2



What follows is a brief explanation of the project. Please see the docs at for more complete information. Alternatively, you can clone and build the docs locally by using one of the build scripts in the docs directory.

PyMunkTMX is an extension library for PyTMX that allows you to draw pymunk shapes in Tiled object layers and easily load them into your game.

The main, and most useful function from PyMunkTMX is pymunktmx.load_shapes. Use load_shapes to populate a pymunk.Space instance with properly configured objects from a TMX map.


PyMunkTMX is registered on pypi and can be installed with pip. Alternatively you can clone this repository. Just be sure to add PyMunkTMX to your PYTHONPATH.


  • pytmx Is required. It can be found on pypi and installed with pip or cloned from github.
  • pymunk Is required. It can be found on pypi and installed with pip or cloned from github.

Generic Example

    from pytmx.tmxloader import load_tmx
    from pymunk import Space
    from pymunktmx import load_shapes

    # Load the map data with pytmx
    tiled_map = load_tmx("some/path/to/the/map.tmx")

    # Create a pymunk Space instance 
    my_space = Space()

    # Read all of the shapes from the tiled_map into the Space instance
    load_shapes(tiled_map, space=my_space)

PyGame Example

    import pygame
    from pytmx.tmxloader import load_pygame
    from pymunk import Space
    from pymunk.pygame_util import draw
    from pymunktmx import load_shapes

    # initialize pygame
    screen = pygame.set_mode((640, 480))

    # Load the map data with pytmx (note that pygame's display must be
    # loaded before calling load_pygame)
    tiled_map = load_pygame("some/path/to/the/map.tmx")

    # Create a pymunk Space instance 
    my_space = Space()

    # Read all of the shapes from the tiled_map into the Space instance
    load_shapes(tiled_map, space=my_space)

    # Draw all of the shapes to the pygame display surface and show them
    draw(screen, my_space)

    # Loop until smoke
    while pygame.QUIT not in [e.type for e in pygame.event.get()]: