An add-on extension to Pyrogram for absolute beginners

telegram, bot, pyrogram, python, telegram-bot, bots, command-line-tool
pip install PyStark==1.2.0



A star from you means a lot

An incomplete add-on extension to Pyrogram, to create telegram bots a bit more easily.


Read the Documentation :

What's the main purpose?

There are some things that are common in every bot. This makes it a bit simple to generate a boilerplate and ease overall creation.

  1. Default Plugins - Any bot created using pystark will automatically have some commands like /start, /help, /about and /id.

    Of course that can be turned off using default_plugins=False in the main function.

  2. Databases - Both postgres and redis are ready to use once the environment variables are present.

    To know more about postgres and redis usage in pystark - Click Here

  3. Boilerplate - You can generate a boilerplate with all the files you will need using our command line utility. Optionally, you can generate it with Heroku Support (app.json, Procfile, etc). Please scroll down below to Usage section to know how.

  4. Easier - There are multiple things that make it easier.

  • Start the bot using 2-lines of code.
from pystark import Stark

  • Easier to use methods and decorators


  • Dan for his Pyrogram Library on top of which pystark works.

Community and Support

Telegram Channel - StarkBots

Telegram Chat - StarkBotsChat

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