
Wrapper around Stormlib

pip install PyStormLib==0.1


PyStormLib - python wrapper for StormLib

PyStormLib is a python wrapper for StormLib Zezula StormLib that manages MPQ files. As of version 0.1 it works on Windows x86 and only covers a few functions of StormLib such as:

  • open_mpq_archive(path): Opens a MPQ archive.

  • search(mask): yields MPQFileData files matching a mask

  • read(path): Reads and return the content of a file from an MPQ archive.

  • contains(path): Search for a MPQ archive filename within the current opened MQP archive

  • extract(path, destination): Extract a file from an MPQ archive.

Further work

If you want more functionalities or want it to work for x64 feel free to create issues.