Quickspin CLI tool for managing AWS resources

aws, aws-ec2, python
pip install Quickspin==0.1.10


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Quickspin is a simple CLI tool for spinning up a series of EC2 instances.

How to install

You can install Quickspin using pip

pip install Quickspin

source install via:

python setup.py install


To configure Quickspin with your credentials follow the example below: quickspin -k Enter your AWS key: Enter your AWS secret: What region do you want to connect to? (regions can be found here http://docs.aw s.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html):

Thats it, you will be good to go. If you already have your credentials and configuration stored under ~/.aws then you don't need to configure quickspin and doing the above will give you the following output: Your credentials are already setup Your config is already setup

Quick Start

Once installed use you can get help on use Quickspin as follows:

quickspin -h

You can list all running EC2 instances like so:

quickspin -l
('i-d70f6216', 'puppetmaster', 't2.medium', '')
('i-ff85f13e', 'stage-sumo2siren', 't2.micro', '')

or all instances like:

quickspin -la


  • Add cloundformation api.