
Easily upgrade all libreto cores from the build bot

libretro, retroarch, core, pyside2, python, python3, trash
pip install RetroUFO==0.9.5.post1



Platform Python Version PyPI license PyPI version

A messy Python script that grabs the latest version of every libretro core from the build bot.


The package can be installed via pip:

python -m pip install --user RetroUFO


Just run the script from the terminal:


It will then download and extract all the latest versions of each core to their default location based on retroarch.default.cfg for each platform
(Which is only Linux, macOS, & Windows for right now)

If you are more of a advance user, and want to do things a bit more manually, you can view all the scripts arguments by:

RetroUFO --help


The GUI script uses Qt for Python (PySide2). So you can make sure you have that package installed by running if you plan to run the script manually:

python -m pip install --user PySide2

After that you can just run the script like so:


You can then just click the Grab Cores button at the bottom and then you should be all set.

If you would like to grab cores for a different platform or architecture you can override which supported cores it grabs.

If you have your core directory set somewhere special you can override where the cores extract to.


  • Set where cores are downloaded
  • Set where cores are extracted for RA Usage
  • Choose which architecture you are downloading format
  • Choose what platform you are downloading format
  • Auto detect platform & architecture
  • Download progress bar
  • Keep downloaded archives
  • Make GUI
  • Real error handling
  • Support for ARM detection
  • Make a PyPi package