
The SOLIDserverRest is a library to drive EfficientIP API

api, dns, ipam, python, rest
pip install SOLIDserverRest==2.1.8



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This 'SOLIDserverRest' allows to easily interact with SOLIDserver's REST API. It allows managing all IPAM objects through CRUD operations.

  • Free software: BSD2 License

This 'SOLIDserverRest' is compatible with SOLIDserver version 6.0.1P3 and higher.


Install 'SOLIDserverRest' using pip in your virtualenv:

	pip install SOLIDserverRest


Using the SOLIDserverRest object

1. Declare endpoint API point

Set the API endpoint you want to talk with through API. Could use an IP address (v4 or v6) or a host name

  • host = IP address of the SOLIDserver server
con = SOLIDserverRest("")

2. Specify connection method

You can use native connection mode using SOLIDserver default method which provide authentication through headers in the requests with information encoded in base64

  • user = user who want to use
  • password = password of the user
	con.use_native_sds(user="apiuser", password="apipwd")

You can also use the basic authentication method for connecting the SOLIDserver.

  • user = user who want to use
  • password = password of the user
	con.use_basicauth_sds(user="apiuser", password="apipwd")

3. Set TLS security

SSL certificate chain is validated by default, to disable it, use the set_ssl_verify method

        con.set_ssl_verify(False)  # True by default
	rest_answer = con.query("method", "parameters")

Otherwise, you have to provide the certificate file:

    con = SOLIDserverRest(SERVER)

If the certificate file is not valide, an exception SDSInitError is raised.

4. Request to SOLIDserver API

You need parameters:

  • method = choose your method in the list below
  • parameters = Python dictionary with parameters you want to use
	rest_answer = con.query("method", "parameters")

5. Analyze answer

  • rest_answer => object name
  • rest_answer.status_code => current http answer code set in the object
  • rest_answer.content => Answer core from SOLIDserver API set in the object



Methods that could be used

Methods are organized to match the ontology used in SOLIDServer, you will find:

  • Sites - address spaces
  • Subnets (v4 and v6)
  • Pools (v4 and v6)
  • Addresses (v4 and v6)
  • Aliases (v4 and v6)

More information about supported methods in the specific document

Supported SOLIDserver modules in methods are:

  • ip (IPAM - IP Address Management)
  • app (Application and GSLB management) - starting with release 7.1 of SOLIDserver