
A package to produce signature SNVs for source tracking with methods like FEAST. Given a set of samples representing the sink and source of interest, and a species for which you have snps MIDAS output, you can run this method.

metagenomics, microbiome-analysis
pip install Signature-SNVs==0.0.1


Signature SNVs for FEAST

Signature-SNVs is a method to generate signature SNVs for input into FEAST for source tracking (Shenhav et al. 2019). The signature SNVs are selected from SNV output produced by running the metagenomic pipeline MIDAS (Nayfach et al. 2017). Signature-SNVs is described in our paper Briscoe et al. 2023.

Source tracking is a broad term for methods that can estimate the percentage of a microbiome of interest that derives from differences potential sources. A sample of an infant's gut microbiome may be a sink of interest

Two key terms in understanding source tracking and our approach for signature selection are sink and source. A sink is a sample that you are interested in investigating the sources of, such as the gut microbiome of an infant. You may be interested in investigating how much the mother, the crib and the dog contribute to this infant's microbiome. You therefore collect samples from all these potential sources. Once you have whole metagenomic shotgun sequencing on these samples, you are ready to begin analysis to find signature SNVs.

A signature SNV is a SNV that has a higher probability of coming from one source over other sources or only the sink. The output of counts of the alternative and reference allele go into FEAST for source tracking. FEAST can be run as usual with this input.

The general workflow is as follows:

graph LR;
A(Metagenomic shotgun data)-->B(MIDAS)
    B--> C(Signature-SNVs)
    C--> D(FEAST)

example_1 is a toy example of the type of input data you would want to have for Signature-SNVs, while example_2 maybe a more realistic example of the type of input data you may have.


Table of Contents

  1. Tutorial
  2. Quick Start
  3. Example Input Files
  4. Optional Pre-processing of signature SNV files
  5. Optional Post-processing of signature SNV files
  6. Example run of FEAST


  1. In your documents folder, git clone this repo to get the example directory

    git clone
  2. [Optional] Go into directory Signature-SNVs and Create a virtual environment Note: to avoid any dependency conflicts, we recommend installing this in a virtual environment

    python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv"
    python3 -m virtualenv signature_snvs_env
    source ./signature_snvs_env/bin/activate
  3. Install Signature-SNVs with pip. (takes about 1 min) This also automatically updates any dependencies.

    python3 -m pip install Signature-SNVs==0.0.1
  4. [Option 1] Run code as a module. Start up python in command line interface, then import and run module with example1

    In terminal:


    In interactive python:

    from signature_snvs import signature_snvs
    signature_snvs.signature_snvs_per_species(species="Bacteroides_uniformis_57318", min_reads=5, start_index=1, end_index=200, config_file_path="configs/config.yaml")
  5. [Option 2] Run on command line with example1

    python <site-packages_directory>/signature_snvs/ --species Bacteroides_uniformis_57318 --min_reads 5 --start_index 1 --end_index 200 --config_file_path configs/config.yaml

    For example, my site-packages directory is ./lib/python3.9/site-packages/

Quick Start

  1. Install Signature-SNVs with pip. (takes about 1 min) This also automatically updates any dependencies.

    pip install Signature-SNVs==0.0.1
  2. Set up your directories and config.

    Required input 'example_template' shows how the directory and config should be set up

    There can be a single directory containing the following:

    1. sink_source.csv a comma-delimited file with the sink source configuration. It should have the accession numbers in the first column for each sink of interest, and in the following columns, the accession numbers for the sources for each sink (example sink_source.csv)
    2. midas_output/snps MIDAS output with a subdirectory called 'snps/' with it's own subdirectory for each species. In side each species subsubdirectory are two bzipped files 'snps_depth.txt.bz2' and 'snps_ref_freq.txt.bz2' output from MIDAS snps and MIDAS merge_snps step
    3. config.yaml YAML indicating the directory with input files, the snp directory, and the output directory for the signature SNVs (example config.yaml)
  3. Determine input arguments:

    • species : the species you want to get signature SNVs for
    • min_reads : minimum reads required at a site to determine signature SNVs. Recommend 10 if sufficiently high coverage sample, otherwise 5 reads.
    • start_index : is there a specific region you want to check for signature SNVs? This number is the row in the midas output merged snps file for snp_depth and snps_ref_freq. If you want to check the whole file, provide 0.
    • end_index : end index for the region of interest. This number is the row in the midas output merged snps file for snp_depth and snps_ref_freq. If you want to check the whole file, provide the length of the file, or some high number (e.g. 10000000), or determine the length of the file from here
    • config_file_path : the path where the config.yaml is located
  4. [Option 1] Import and run module

    from signature_snvs import signature_snvs 
    signature_snvs.signature_snvs_per_species(species="Bacteroides_uniformis_57318", min_reads=5, start_index=1, end_index=200, config_file_path="configs/config.yaml")
  5. [Option 2] Run on command line

    python <site-packages_directory>/signature_snvs/ --species Bacteroides_uniformis_57318 --min_reads 5 --start_index 1 --end_index 200 --config_file_path configs/config.yaml

    For example, my site-packages directory is ./lib/python3.9/site-packages/

Example Inputs

Example sink_source.csv file

This is a comma-delimited file where each row of this table represents a single source tracking experiment. The first cell in each row is the accession number for the sink sample (matching the accession number in the MIDAS output). The second and onward cells in each row should be the accession numbers for the sources for each sink

family_id B M M1 M2 M3
Experiment1 ERR00001 ERR00010 ERR00020 ERR00030 ERR00040
Experiment2 ERR00002 ERR00020 ERR00030 ERR00040 ERR00010
Experiment3 ERR00003 ERR00030 ERR00040 ERR00010 ERR00020
Experiment4 ERR00004 ERR00040 ERR00010 ERR00020 ERR00030

In the toy example_1

family_id B M M1 M2 M3
Test1 Baby1 Mother1 Mother2 Mother3 Mother4
Test2 Baby2 Mother2 Mother3 Mother4 Mother1
Test3 Baby3 Mother3 Mother4 Mother1 Mother2
Test4 Baby4 Mother4 Mother1 Mother2 Mother3

Example config.yaml

Example config.yaml:

input_dir: '/Users/leahbriscoe/Documents/FEASTX/Signature-SNVs/example_1/'
snp_dir: '/Users/leahbriscoe/Documents/FEASTX/Signature-SNVs/example_1/midas_output/snps/'
output_dir: '/Users/leahbriscoe/Documents/FEASTX/Signature-SNVs/example_1/signature_snvs/'

Optional Pre-Processing

Files for post-processing of the signature SNV output are here. We had determined a window size of 200,000 bp was helpful for analysis. First we determined the length of the species files

To be run inside your data directory (e.g. example_1)

  1. Step 1: Get length of all snps_depth file given a list of species in the midas_output/snps directory
  2. Step 2: Generate a file with all the lengths of species files

Optional Post-Processing

Files for post-processing of the signature SNV output are here.

  1. Step 1: Merge signature SNV files across windows per species per source tracking experiment
  2. Step 2: Merge signature SNV files across speciess per source tracking experiment

R Example of running FEAST

Here is an example FEAST command for R.

FEAST(C = snv_count_matrix, metadata =metadata, different_sources_flag = 0, dir_path =input_dir,
                                   outfile="demo",COVERAGE =coverage_min)

where coverage min is the minimum total reads per sample of all samples