Log library

smilelog, log, logger, console, consoler, trace, tracking, redis
pip install SmileLog==1.1.4



smilelog SmileLog 4.1.2
Appending a silent feature which auto-remove itself the current content file if over a limit that given by a parameter 'maxMb'. It won't do anything unless the value of the 'autoclean' equals 'False'.

autoclean= True

Every writing a log, it will check this value.

The features since version 4.1.x:

  • Log to a static file
  • Backup file everyday
  • Enable series of log session
  • Parallel log between static log and session log
  • Push any log to redis via pubsub method
  • Dynamic line separation
    • on or off
    • editable line character
    • editable number of line character
  • Fix bugs
  • Improve performance
  • Clean up code

Traditional tracing will undergo a change in a different way.
What will it assist us:

  1. Displaying the colored log by adhering to the standard colors.
  2. Identifying a track by reading its ID in the list.
  3. Each statement lists down with a big span and symbols
  4. Using a static file to output the content that will be easier
  5. Disable the entire tracing in a second
  6. 5 methods for 5 outputs
  7. Backup file if log start a new date
  8. Separating a new file with a new file name. This feature will cover to a specific tracking.
  9. Group the log with specific key(series key)
  10. Able to set maxSize log
  11. Implementing some commands with CLI

It is available on PyPi store via https://pypi.org/project/SmileLog/
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# pip3 install SmileLog

6 Methods

Use in the different situation, and show up in different color

  1. error: error(title, content, id= None, channel= None)
  2. fail: fail(title, content, id= None, channel= None)
  3. information: info(title, content, id= None, channel= None)
  4. success: success(title, content, id= None, channel= None)
  5. track: track(title, content, id= None, channel= None)
  6. warning: warning(title, content, id= None, channel= None)
- title is a string
- content can be a string or dict
Figure (version 2.0)


Start using in the simple way:

from smilelog import Logger

# first instant
log	= Logger(
            enableLog= True

# try to print out
	'My Info Title'
	, {'data':'My Dictionary Content'}

# success method
	title	 	= 'My Success Title'
	, content	= 'My String'

# setKeySeries is a new method to indicate to the token of a long message


Logger is a tracing class library and write/output into a file.
This will need generating a file and keep writing the content. Let's Look at its configure would explain more:

log	= Logger(
           path:                str	= 'log'
           , filename: 			str = 'access'
           , extension: 		str = 'log'  
            , enableLog: 		bool= True
            , enableConsole:    bool= True
            , line: 			bool= True
            , charInLine: 		int	= 55
            , lineCharStart:    str = '>'
            , lineCharEnd: 		str = '<',
            , color: 			bool= True
            , autoClean:        bool= False
            , maxMb:            int=100
  • path: is a directory

  • filename: is the name of a new file log.
# set name
filename= 'access'

# some app move it into system log directory, it is an advantage of prefix

  • color: is for showing the color on terminal with tail command or terminal editor.
# set color
color= True
color= False
  • enableLog: To allows an object to create the file.
    • True: To create a file and write content into log file
    • False: To disable the logging
# set enable
# enable to write log file
enableLog= True
  • enableConsole: To shows something on the screen of log.
    • True: To print out on terminal
    • False: No action
# set enable
enableConsole= True


Just a series name of output

  • setKeySeries: data
# set value
log.setKeySeries('Insert Data')
# stop

Disable print out

The most feature developer guy needs.
It will disable only the index that we set in disable list.

  • disableIds: hide those ids.
    • parameter must be Array
# Logger instant
# Ex: Logger logged 10 times
# but we will show some id except 1,2,3,7,8,9
# do this

Separate a session file

Here is the method to separate normal log file to a specific session. Follow the setting:

  • setKeySession: must be a string and maximum length 32

It will separate from the default log, and generate a new file as 'cbc98494543823442425488df.log'.


To stop running a session, just set it the None.


2022-05-12 21:40:20.345 <id: 4>
[FAIL] My Title
{'data': 'my content'}

2022-05-12 21:40:20.345 <id: 5> Insert Data
[WARNING] Warning
{'data': 'my content'}

2022-05-12 21:40:20.345 <id: 6> Delete Row
[TRACK] My Title
{'data': 'my content'}

2022-05-12 21:40:20.345 <id: 10>
[SUCCESS] Success
Hello String


initializes redis requirement

  • setRedis
    • host: required
    • port: required
    • channel: the default is None, scribe and publish
    • db: by default is 0
    • password: by default is None

enable Redis Engine

  • enableRedis: bool

enable any functional alert

  • enableError: bool
  • enableFail: bool
  • enableInfo: bool
  • enableTrack: bool
  • enableSuccess: bool
  • enableWarning: bool