
I/O handler classes for SpiNNaker software stack

python, spinnaker
pip install SpiNNStorageHandlers==1!5.1.0


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This package provides classes to handle data storage, both in memory (through a bytearray buffer) and in a file. The file may be permanent or temporary.


In addition to a standard Python installation, this package depends on:

  • six

These requirements can be install using pip:

pip install six

User Installation

If you want to install for all users, run:

sudo pip install SpiNNStorageHandlers

If you want to install only for yourself, run:

pip install SpiNNStorageHandlers --user

To install in a virtualenv, with the virtualenv enabled, run:

pip install SpiNNStorageHandlers

Developer Installation

If you want to be able to edit the source code, but still have it referenced from other Python modules, you can set the install to be a developer install. In this case, download the source code, and extract it locally, or else clone the git repository

To install as a development version which all users will then be able to use, run the following where the code has been extracted:

sudo python setup.py develop

To install as a development version for only yourself, run:

python setup.py develop --user

To install as a development version in a virtualenv, with the virutalenv enabled, run:

python setup.py develop


SpiNNStorageHandlers python documentation

Combined PyNN7 python documentation

Combined PyNN8 python documentation