
A simple site server with builtin Jade support

pip install Spray==0.4



Simple static site framework


Flask powered. Gevent (if installed) powered for production mode.

Templating via jade and jinja2 support

Static files

Caching and (soon) E-tag

Quick Start

To install

$ pip install spray 

Start a project

$ spray create mysite
$ ls mysite/


Work in development or production mode

$ spray run \
        --mode={development,production} \

More info available with the --help flag

$ spray --help

Serving And Caching Under The Hood

Requests are served by looking for the matching flask route, then as a file in static/ if the route does not exist. Content-Type headers are determined by an extension: mime type dictionary. Though by default all route based requests will be served the text/html Content-Type header.

In development mode the server will never use caching. Perhaps in the future it will constantly watch the templates/ and static/ directories.

In production, each request will be cached in cache/. The cache key will simply be the request path. Even if the template or static file is updated in the file system, the cache will not be invalidated and updated. In this case the server must be restart.

Setting up routes in the spray.yaml file

Specify flask style routes and template files in spray.yaml

    name:       home
    template:   home.jade
    name:       contact
    template:   contact.jade
    name:       bio
    template:   biography.jade

Since names are provided you can use them with Flask's url_for function.

You can also use shorthand or mix both styles:

/:              home.jade
/contact:       contact.jade
    name:       bio
    template:   biography.jade

The url_for parameter will then become the full route string if shorthand is used.

For jinja2 support, just use the .html extension.

All templates should be in the templates/ directory relative to the spray.yaml file.

All static files should be in the static/ directory relative to the spray.yaml file. This static/ directory is mapped to the root of your website domain. As an example, the file static/robots.txt would be accessible at http://example.com/robots.txt.