Stax test base

pip install Staxing==0.0.57


#StaxHelper A python test framework and helper function set for OST Selenium work.

##Constants: LOCAL # Use ChromeDriver locally REMOTE # Use Sauce Labs CONDENSED_WIDTH # Compact screen max width WAIT_TIME # Standard time in seconds to wait for a command READING # Assignment type: reading HOMEWORK # Assignment type: homework EXTERNAL # Assignment type: external EVENT # Assignment type: event REVIEW # Assignment type: review

##Objects and Methods: StaxHelper.run_on # Run tests locally or on Sauce Labs classmethod remote=True # (bool) pasta_user=None # (pastasauce.PastaSauce) capabilities=None # (dict)

user  # A user object
username=None  # (str)
password=None  # (str)
site=None  # (str)

user.get_site  # Access a particular Tutor site
driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

user.set_site  # Change the site URL
	url=''  # (str)

user.login  # Tutor login control
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)
	username=None  # (str)
	password=None  # (str)
	url=None  # (str)

user.open_user_menu  # User menu opener
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

user.logout  # Logout control
 	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

user.tutor_logout  # Tutor logout
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

user.accounts_logout  # Accounts logout
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

user.select_course  # Course selection
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)
	title=None  # (str)
	category=None  # (str)

user.view_reference_book  # Access the reference book
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

teacher  # A teacher object
	username=None  # (str)
	password=None  # (str)

teacher.add_assignment  # Add an assignment
 	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)
	assignment  # (str constant)
	args  # (dict)

teacher.change_assignment  # Alter an existing assignment
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)
	assignment  # (str constant)
	args  # (dict)

teacher.delete_assignment  # Delete an existing assignment (if available)
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)
	assignment  # (str constant)
	args  # (dict)

teacher.goto_menu_item  # Go to a specific user menu item
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)
	item  # (str)

teacher.goto_calendar  # Return the teacher to the calendar dashboard
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

teacher.goto_performance_forecast  # Access the performance forecast page
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

teacher.goto_student_scores  # Access the student scores page
	driver  # (selenium.webdriver)

student  # A student object
	username=None  # (str)
	password=None  # (str)

student.work_assignment  # Work an assignment
	title  # (str)
	total_segments  # (‘all’ or int)

student.goto_past_work  # View work for previous weeks
	[no arguments]

student.goto_performance_forecast  # View the student performance forecast
	[no arguments]

student.practice  # Complete a set of 5 practice problems
	section  # (str)

admin  # An administrator object
	username=None  # (str)
	password=None  # (str)

admin.goto_admin_control  # Access the administrator controls
	[no arguments]

admin.goto_courses  # Access the course admin control
	[no arguments]

admin.goto_ecosystems  # Access the ecosystem admin control
	[no arguments]