
Twisted-based implementation of the network protocols supported by git (git://, ssh:// and http://)

git, ssh, http
pip install TwistedGit==0.2.1



GitServerGlue implements the git://, ssh:// and http(s):// protocols in python using Twisted. You can implement your custom virtual path to filesystem mapping as well as implement custom authentication and authorization. For ssh:// both password- and key-based logins are supported.

Since GitServerGlue uses twisted.conch to run a custom SSH daemon, you do not need to create system user accounts nor modify/setup custom entries in .ssh/authorized_keys.


You can get GitServerGlue from PyPI

$ pip install gitserverglue

or alternatively checkout the github repository and run

$ python install


GitServerGlue will install a command you can use to serve git repositories in the current directory. You need to create three files to control access:

  • .htpasswd is a apache-style htpasswd file containing users and their passwords. You can use htpasswd -c .htpasswd myuser to create one. (Needs apache2-utils to be installed on Ubuntu)
  • .repoperms is an ini-style config file. You need to create a section for each repository with user = rw mappings. The user anonymous is used when no user is given. Example:

       myuser = rw
       otheruser = r
       anonymous = r
  • .rsakeys should contain lines of the form username: rsakey where rsakey is the contents of the .pub file ssh-keygen generates.

You can then invoke gitserverglue:

$ gitserverglue 
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Log opened.
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Registering PasswordChecker
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Registering PublicKeyChecker
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Registering PasswordChecker
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] GitSSHFactory starting on 5522
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Starting factory <gitserverglue.ssh.GitSSHFactory instance at 0x204c050>
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Site starting on 8080
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x264a050>
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] GitFactory starting on 9418
2013-05-11 13:48:53+0200 [-] Starting factory <gitserverglue.git.GitFactory instance at 0x264a098>

The implementation (in gitserverglue/ demonstrates the basic usage. The class TestAuthnz handles authentication (check_password, check_publickey) and authorization (can_read, can_write) while TestGitConfiguration maps virtual URLs to filesystem paths.


GitServerGlue is licensed under GPLv3.