
Tools to work with USFM references

pip install USFM-References==1.3.0



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A validator & lookup tool for USFM (Unified Standard Format Markers) Biblical references.


This project requires Python 3.6 or higher


To install use

pip install usfm-references


Import one of the methods like

from usfm_references import valid_chapter, valid_chapter_or_intro, valid_usfm, valid_verse, valid_multi_usfm

The validation methods all start with valid_. They take a single parameter which should be a string representation of a USFM reference. And they all return a boolean value representing whether the string was valid for the type that the method is validating against.

For example, if you have a string my_reference with a reference of Genesis 1:1, the appropriate USFM reference would be GEN.1.1. You could use the valid_verse method to ensure it is correct like

if valid_verse(my_reference):
    # do stuff

NOTE: These validators match a regular expression pattern. That conforms to the general USFM standard. They do NOT ensure that the USFM actually exists in any particular Bible version.

The currently supported validators are:

  • valid_chapter - Ensures the passed string is a valid USFM chapter reference
  • valid_chapter_or_intro - Ensures the passed string is either a valid USFM chapter or intro reference
  • valid_usfm - Ensures the passed string is a valid USFM reference (can be verse, chapter, or intro)
  • valid_multi_usfm - Ensures that the passed string is a valid set of USFM reference (can be verse, chapter, or intro)
  • valid_verse - Ensures the passed string is a valid USFM verse reference

Other methods include conversion such as convert_book_to_canon. Import like:

from usfm_references import convert_book_to_canon

Conversion methods all start with convert_ and the method names should be self-explanatory as far as what params go in and what is returned.

convert_book_to_canon can be used like:

canon = convert_book_to_canon("GEN")
print(canon)  # "ot"


This project is tested in CI with Python 3.6-3.8. One of these must be installed before developing and testing locally.

This project uses pip-tools for dependency management.

Running tests

./ && pytest --cov=usfm_references tests/

Before committing any code

We have a pre-commit hook which can be used to run linters before committing. You can symlink it to run before each commit by changing directory to the repo and running

cd .git/hooks
ln -s ../../pre-commit pre-commit