
Efficiently process videos

pip install Videolytics==0.2



This is Open Source Project I started because I could not find code for extracting video frames at fixed fps and segment that did not have some sort of memory issue, hence I turned towards making this library.

Converting video frames into numpy array( for a single video )

from video_preprocessing import video_processing

video_converter = video_processing()

filename = "full path to your video"

Converted_frames = video_converter.load_video(filename,frame_rate = 30, segment=60, normalize = False)

Converting video frames into numpy array( for an entire directory of video )

from video_preprocessing import video_processing

video_converter = video_processing()

filename = "full path to your directory"

Converted_frames = video_converter.load_video_from_dir(filename,frame_rate = 30, segment=60, normalize = False)

Further features:

More features are being considered and will be added shortly. Moreover, I will also create a pip package soon.

Contribution deatils:

All sorts of contribiutions are more then welcome, I will add a contribution guide soon so stay tunned.