
Tiny library for WebOb to manage URL and Request routing correctly without many dependencies

wsgi, request, web, http
pip install WSGIRouter==0.4


wsgirouter is a tiny web library based on webob. It has been made to write simple WSGI apps efficiently withoutextra dependency.

It contains two parts so far:

  • A Router class which is basically an URL router.
  • A Root class from you can inherit to create a cleaner App class.

Here is a very simple Hello World example:

from webob import Request, Response, exc
import wsgirouter

class Hello(wsgirouter.Root):

    def get(self, environ):
        req = Request(environ)
        name = req.path_info.split('/').pop()
        return Response('Hello ' + name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    urls = wsgirouter.Router()
    # Here we add an URL on the "default" vhost, like a catch-all.
    urls['*'] = (
            '^/hello/.*$', Hello()
    print 'http://localhost:4242/'
    make_server('localhost', 4242, urls).serve_forever()