
Whatsapp chat analyzer with Python

pip install Wtp==



PyPI version

Wtp is a tool to analyze Whatsapp chats.

This tool uses the chat history (that can be acquired by the Whatsapp option 'Export chat') and displays in graphs information such as:

  • number of messages sent by each user;
  • number of characters sent by each user;
  • number of messages sent at each hour;
  • etc.



from Wtp import *

wtp = Wtp("path\\to\\WhatsApp Chat with Some Group or Someone.txt")



> pip install Wtp

There is an option to download the Wtp.py file and run:

> pip install -r requirements.txt
> python Wtp.py [-h] -f FILE [-i] [-e] [-u USERS] [-r HIDE] [-m_users] [-w_users] [-c_users] [-m_user_w MSGS_USER_W] [-m_users_w] [-m_chat] [-m_chat_w]


  • Common methods flags:

    • path_chat: path to the chat file (.txt);
    • path_import: path to the JSON file;
    • i: when True, initialize the object by the given JSON file. Default=False;
    • _u_: number of users to show in graph. Default=All;
    • hide: when True, display name/number of users in graph. Default=False.
  • Methods:

    • plot_msgs_users(_u_=None, hide=True): plot # of msgs by each user;
    • plot_words_users(_u_=None, hide=True): plot # of words by each user;
    • plot_charac_users(_u_=None, hide=True): plot # of characters by each user;
    • plot_user_msgs_each_day(id, hide=True, t="u: 1"): plot # of msgs of a given id by each day of the week;
    • plot_users_msgs_each_day(_u_=None, hide=True): plot # of msgs by each user by each day of the week;
    • plot_chat_msgs_each_day(): plot # of msgs by each day of the week;
    • plot_chat_msgs_each_hour(): plot # of msgs at each hour;
    • export(name = "data.json", use_pprint = False): export all data into a JSON file;
    • import_data(name = "data.json"): import all data from a given JSON file.