
Lightweight dependency injection for pure OOP.

pip install Wyre==0.2.1



Lightweight dependency injection for pure, testable OOP.


Wyre is available on pypi ! Add wyre == 0.2.1 to your requirements.txt file or just install it with pip install wyre.


Injecting class dependencies comes in 3 distinct ways :

  • using class attributes (okay)
  • using setters (better)
  • using constructor (best)

Wyre allows you to declare the dependencies of a given class using kwargs on a constructor. A single decorator @inject does the trick. This is particularly handy when your dependency tree grows large and deep. For example, this dependency chain : A < B < C < D < E, would require you to write a = A(B(C(D(E())))) in order to create an instance of your class.

Using Wyre, you keep :

  • your production code clean by writing just A() since it works recursively
  • your unit tests simple : A(b=Mock()) is all you need to mock out dependencies


Ok, let's see how to use it.

In production code

class C:
    name = 'Bob'
class B:
    def __init__(self, other_dependency=C):
        self.c = other_dependency
    def say_hello(self):
        return 'Hello %s !' % self.c.name

class A:
    def __init__(self, dependency=B):
        self.b = dependency
    def greetings(self):
        return self.b.say_hello()
a = A()
a.greetings() # returns 'Hello Bob !'

Since __init__ is decorated with @inject, B instance will be created and injected in A at instantiation time.

In unit tests

If you want to write a test on A with a real instance of B, you basically have nothing to do but write the test.

def test_say_hello():
    # given
    a = A()
    # when
    result = a.greetings()
    # then
    assert result == 'Hello !'

If you want to write a test on A with a mocked instance of B, you simply provide this mock using A's constructor.

def test_say_hello():
    # given
    mocked_b = Mock(spec=B)
    mocked_b.greetings.return_value = 'Hi there !'
    a = A(dependency=mocked_b)
    # when
    result = a.greetings()
    # then
    assert result == 'Hi there !'


Important notes on what @inject does :

  • If an instance of a dependency is provided in kwargs, it will be preserved and not overridden by a new instance.
  • Circular dependencies are detected at instantiation time : an InjectionError will be raised.
  • You can only use it on __init__(). If you decorate any other function : an InjectionError will be raised.
  • If no dependency is found among declared kwargs : an InjectionError will be raised.
  • Wyre is strongly opinionated about dependency injection. As a matter of fact, singletons are not even considered.