
Python library for accessing Docker Remote API

pip install XD-Docker==0.2.0



Python library for accessing Docker Remote API.

XD-Docker aims at providing an easy to use and Pythonic API for working with the Docker Remote API in Python.

Developer resources

  • PyPI - Package repository hosted by PyPI
  • Documentation Status - Documentation hosted by Read the Docs
  • - Source code, issue tracking, website and wiki is hosted on GitHub
  • Stories in Ready Stories in Progress - Kanban board provided by waffle.io
  • Travis CI Status - Continous Integration is provided by Travis CI
  • Coverage Status - Code coverage analysis is provided by Coveralls
  • Codacy Status - Static code analysis by Codacy


XD-Docker is released under the MIT License (see LICENSE file).

Test suites

XD-Docker includes both a unit test suite and an integration test suite.

The goal of the unit test suite is to test each module, achieving 100% code and branch coverage.

The goal of the integration test suite is to test against different docker versions.

The recommended way to run the test suites, is to use the shell scripts unit-test.sh and integration-test.sh.

These scripts take care of building docker images with the necessary tools and software, and runs the test in docker containers.