
streaming agglomerative clustering

bioinformatics, cluster
pip install aclust==0.1.3



Streaming agglomerative clustering with custom distance and correlation


Agglomerative clustering is a very simple algorithm. The function aclust provided here is an attempt at a simple implementation of a modified version that allows a stream of input so that data is not required to be read into memory all at once. Most clustering algorithms operate on a matrix of correlations which may not be feasible with high-dimensional data.

aclust defers some complexity to the caller by relying on a stream of objects that support an interface (I know, I know) of:

obj.distance(other) -> numeric
obj.is_correlated(other) -> bool

While this does add some infrastructure, we can imagine a class with position and values attributes, where the former is an integer and the latter is a list of numeric values. Then, those methods would be implemented as:

def distance(self, other):
    return self.position - other.position

def is_correlated(self, other):
    return np.corrcoef(self.values, other.values)[0, 1] > 0.5

This allows the aclust function to be used on any kind of data. We can imagine that distance might return the Levenshtein distance between 2 strings while is_correlated might indicate their presence in the same sentence or in sentences with the same sentiment.

Since the input can be- and the output is- streamed, it is assumed the the objs are in sorted order. This is important for things like genomic data, but may be less so in text, where the max_skip parameter can be set to a large value to determine how much data is kept in memory.

See the function docstring for examples and options. The function signature is:

aclust(object_stream, max_dist, max_skip=1, linkage='single', multi_member=False)

It yields clusters (lists) of objects from the input object stream.

multi\_member allows a feature to be a member of multiple clusters as long as it meets the distance and correlation constraints. The default is to only allow a feature to be added to the nearest cluster with which it is correlated.


    chrom   start   end n_probes   probes                asthma.pvalue   asthma.tstat    asthma.coef
    chr1    566570  567501  8   chr1:566570,chr1:566731,chr1:567113,chr1:567206,chr1:567312,chr1:567348,chr1:567358,chr1:567501 0.4566  -0.74   -0.06
    chr1    713985  714021  3   chr1:713985,chr1:714012,chr1:714021 0.1185  -1.56   -0.13
    chr1    845810  846195  3   chr1:845810,chr1:846155,chr1:846195 0.5913  0.54    0.04
    chr1    848379  848440  3   chr1:848379,chr1:848409,chr1:848440 0.3399  -0.95   -0.06
    chr1    854766  855046  7   chr1:854766,chr1:854824,chr1:854838,chr1:854918,chr1:854951,chr1:854966,chr1:855046 0.7482  -0.32   -0.02
    chr1    870791  871546  8   chr1:870791,chr1:870810,chr1:870958,chr1:871033,chr1:871057,chr1:871308,chr1:871441,chr1:871546 0.2198  -1.23   -0.11
    chr1    892857  892948  3   chr1:892857,chr1:892914,chr1:892948 0.2502  -1.15   -0.05
    chr1    901062  901799  5   chr1:901062,chr1:901449,chr1:901685,chr1:901725,chr1:901799 0.6004  0.52    0.04
    chr1    946875  947091  4   chr1:946875,chr1:947003,chr1:947018,chr1:947091 0.9949  0.01    0.00

So we can filter on the asthma.pvalue to find regions associated with asthma.


aclust is available on pypi, as such it can be installed with:

pip install aclust


The idea of this is taken from this paper:

Sofer, T., Schifano, E. D., Hoppin, J. A., Hou, L., & Baccarelli, A. A. (2013). A-clustering: A Novel Method for the Detection of Co-regulated Methylation Regions, and Regions Associated with Exposure. Bioinformatics, btt498.

The example uses a pull-request implementing GEE for python's statsmodels: