An easy downloader for the AirBase air quality data.

air-quality, airbase, data, python
pip install airbase==0.7.0


PyPI version Downloads CI/CD Documentation Status pre-commit Code style: black Checked with mypy Imports: isort

🌬 AirBase

An easy downloader for the AirBase air quality data.

AirBase is an air quality database provided by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The data is available for download at the portal, but the interface makes it a bit time consuming to do bulk downloads. Hence, an easy Python-based interface.

Read the full documentation at

🔌 Installation

To install airbase, simply run

$ pip install airbase

🚀 Getting Started

🗺 Get info about available countries and pollutants:

>>> import airbase
>>> client = airbase.AirbaseClient()
>>> client.all_countries
['GR', 'ES', 'IS', 'CY', 'NL', 'AT', 'LV', 'BE', 'CH', 'EE', 'FR', 'DE', ...

>>> client.all_pollutants
{'k': 412, 'CO': 10, 'NO': 38, 'O3': 7, 'As': 2018, 'Cd': 2014, ...

>>> client.pollutants_per_country
{'AD': [{'pl': 'CO', 'shortpl': 10}, {'pl': 'NO', 'shortpl': 38}, ...

>>> client.search_pollutant("O3")
[{'pl': 'O3', 'shortpl': 7}, {'pl': 'NO3', 'shortpl': 46}, ...

🗂 Request download links from the server and save the resulting CSVs into a directory:

>>> r = client.request(country=["NL", "DE"], pl="NO3", year_from=2015)
>>> r.download_to_directory(dir="data", skip_existing=True)
Generating CSV download links...
100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:03<00:00,  2.03s/it]
Generated 12 CSV links ready for downloading
Downloading CSVs to data...
100%|██████████| 12/12 [00:01<00:00,  8.44it/s]

💾 Or concatenate them into one big file:

>>> r = client.request(country="FR", pl=["O3", "PM10"], year_to=2014)
>>> r.download_to_file("data/raw.csv")
Generating CSV download links...
100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:12<00:00,  7.40s/it]
Generated 2,029 CSV links ready for downloading
Writing data to data/raw.csv...
100%|██████████| 2029/2029 [31:23<00:00,  1.04it/s]

📦 Download the entire dataset (not for the faint of heart):

>>> r = client.request()
>>> r.download_to_directory("data")
Generating CSV download links...
100%|██████████| 40/40 [03:38<00:00,  2.29s/it]
Generated 146,993 CSV links ready for downloading
Downloading CSVs to data...
  0%|          | 299/146993 [01:50<17:15:06,  2.36it/s]

🌡 Don't forget to get the metadata about the measurement stations:

>>> client.download_metadata("data/metadata.tsv")
Writing metadata to data/metadata.tsv...

🚆 Command line interface

$ airbase download --help
Usage: airbase download [OPTIONS]
  Download all pollutants for all countries

  The -c/--country and -p/--pollutant allow to specify which data to download, e.g.
  - download only Norwegian, Danish and Finish sites
    airbase download -c NO -c DK -c FI
  - download only SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 observations
    airbase download -p SO2 -p PM10 -p PM2.5

  -c, --country [AD|AL|AT|...]
  -p, --pollutant [k|CO|NO|...]
  --path PATH                     [default: data]
  --year INTEGER                  [default: 2022]
  -O, --overwrite                 Re-download existing files.
  -q, --quiet                     No progress-bar.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

🛣 Roadmap

  • Parallel CSV downloads Contributed by @avaldebe
  • CLI to avoid using Python all together Contributed by @avaldebe
  • Data wrangling module for AirBase output data