
Takes a deployment in your kubernetes cluster and turns its pod template into a KubernetesPodOperator object.

pip install airkupofrod==0.7.0


Airflow KubernetesPodOperatorFromDeployment

PyPI version PyPI license PyPI pyversions

Or airkupofrod for short, is a tiny package which does one thing - takes a deployment in your kubernetes cluster and turns allows you to use its pod template as a KubernetesPodOperator object. It does this by providing the KubernetesPodOperatorFromDeployment operator.

airkupofrod supports 1.10.9<=airflow<2

Installation and usage

Ensure your airflow image has the python package airkupofrod installed

pip install airkupofrod

Then in your dags:

from airkupofrod.operator import KubernetesPodOperatorFromDeployment

my_kupofrod_task = KubernetesPodOperatorFromDeployment(
    deployment_labels={"app": "my-app"}, # deployment labels to lookup by
    deployment_fields={"": "my-app-deploy-template"}, # deployment fields to lookup by
    deployment_namespace="some-ns", # where the deployment lives
    namespace="default", # where the pod will be deployed

You will also need to make sure that a service account attached to your airflow pods has the a role capable of listing deployments bound to it. See role-binding for an example of this.

This is in addition to the role bindings necessary for the KubernetesPodOperator to work which can be seen in the airflow helm chart


Skaffold is used to test and develop inside kubernetes.

After ensuring you have:

  • Skaffold
  • Helm
  • Some type of k8s cluster available


skaffold dev --force=false --cleanup=false --status-check=false --port-forward

Then navigate to http://localhost:8080 and enable and trigger a run of the test deployments dag.