Redis backed tool for generating cache keys.

pip install alkey==0.7



Alkey is a Redis backed tool for generating cache keys that implicitly update / invalidate when SQLAlchemy model instances change, e.g.:

from alkey.cache import get_cache_key_generator
key_generator = get_cache_key_generator()

# The `cache_key` will be invalidated when `instance1` or `instance2` change.
cache_key = key_generator(instance1, instance2)

It can be used by any SQLAlchemy application that has access to Redis. Plus it has (optional) integration with the Pyramid framework: config.include the package and generate keys using, e.g.:

cache_key = request.cache_key(request.context)

How it Works

Alkey works by binding to the SQLAlchemy session's before_flush and after_commit events to maintain a unique token, in Redis, against every model instance. As long as the model instance has a unique id property, this token will change whenever the instance is updated or deleted. In addition, Alkey maintains a global write token and a token against each database table. You can use these to generate cache keys that invalidate:

  • when an instance changes
  • when a table changes; or
  • when anything changes

The main algorithm is to record instances as changed when they're flushed to the db in the session's new, dirty or deleted lists (identifiers in the format alkey:tablename#row_id, e.g.: alkey:users#1, are stored in a Redis set). Then, when the session's transaction is committed, the tokens for each recorded instance (plus their table and the global write token) are updated. This means that a cache key that contains the tokens will miss, causing the cached value to be regenerated.

New tokens are generated when instances are looked up that are not already in the cache. So keys will always be invalidated if you lose / flush your Redis data.

Note also that changes recorded during a transaction that's subsequently rolled back will be discarded (i.e.: the tokens will not be updated) unless the rolled-back transaction is a sub-transaction. In that case — if your application code explicitly uses sub-transactions — rollbacks may lead to unnecessary cache-misses.

Configuring a Redis Client

Alkey looks in the os.environ (i.e.: you need to provide environment variables) for a values to configure a redis client:

  • REDIS_URL: a connection string including any authenticaton information, e.g.: redis://username:password@hostname:port
  • REDIS_DB: defaults to 0
  • REDIS_MAX_CONNECTIONS: the maximum number of connections for the client's connection pool (defaults to not set)

Binding to Session Events

Use the function, e.g.:

from alkey import events
from myapp import Session # the sqlalchemy session you're using


Generating Cache Keys

You can then instantiate an alkey.cache.CacheKeyGenerator and call it with any of the following types as positional arguments to generate a cache key:

  • SQLAlchemy model instances
  • model instance identifiers in the format alkey:tablename#row_id
  • SQLAlchemy model classes
  • model class identifiers in the format alkey:tablename#*
  • the alkey.constants.GLOBAL_WRITE_TOKEN, which has the value alkey:*#*
  • arbitrary values that can be coerced to a unicode string

E.g. using the alkey.cache.get_cache_key_generator factory to instantiate:

from alkey.cache import get_cache_key_generator

key_generator = get_cache_key_generator()
cache_key = key_generator(instance, 'alkey:users#1', 1, 'foo', {'bar': 'baz'})

Or, for example, imagine you have a users table, of which user is an instance with an id of 1:

# Invalidate when this user changes.
cache_key = key_generator(user)
cache_key = key_generator('alkey:users#1')

# Invalidate when any user is inserted, updated or deleted.
cache_key = key_generator(user.__class__)
cache_key = key_generator('alkey:users#*')

# Invalidate when any instance of any type is inserted, updated or deleted.
cache_key = key_generator('alkey:*#*')

Or you can directly get the instance token with alkey.cache.get_token, e.g.:

from alkey.cache import get_token
from alkey.client import get_redis_client

redis_client = get_redis_client()

token = get_token(redis_client, user)
token = get_token(redis_client, 'alkey:users#1')

Pyramid Integration

If you're writing a Pyramid application, you can bind to the session events by just including the package:


This will, by default, use the pyramid_basemodel threadlocal scoped session. To use a different session class, provide a dotted path to it as the alkey.session_cls in your .ini settings, e.g.:


An appropriately configured alkey.cache.CacheKeyGenerator instance will then be available as request.cache_key, e.g:

key = request.cache_key(instance1, instance2, 'arbitrary string')

Or e.g.: in a Mako template:

<%page cached=True, cache_key=${request.cache_key(1, self.uri, instance)} />


Alkey has been developed and tested against Python2.7. To run the tests, install mock, nose and coverage and either hack the setUp method in alkey.tests:IntegrationTest or have a Redis db available at redis://localhost:6379. Then, e.g.:

$ nosetests alkey --with-doctest --with-coverage --cover-tests --cover-package alkey
Name               Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
alkey                 11      0   100%   
alkey.cache           74      0   100%   
alkey.client          73      0   100%   
alkey.constants        6      0   100%          12      0   100%   
alkey.handle          76      0   100%   
alkey.interfaces       6      0   100%   
alkey.tests          184      0   100%   
alkey.utils           30      0   100%   
TOTAL                472      0   100%   
Ran 26 tests in 0.566s