
AllSpark CLI

pip install allspark==0.1.3


AllSpark build-status

Bringing infrastructure to life whilst avoiding lock-in!


AllSpark depends on the following software being installed


Older pip versions have issues with some of the dependencies, upgrading is optional.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install allspark


pip install allspark -U


Create a new Allspark project and move to its root directory. Open the terraform variables file and add the credentials for your cloud provider.

allspark init <project_name>
cd <project_name>
nano infrastructure/terraform.tfvars

List the installed sparks and then see what sparks are available for your cloud provider.

allspark sparks list  
allspark sparks available

Add a spark to your project, you'll be prompted for a name (and eventually any addition configurations it requires). Running list should now show you've added a spark.

allspark sparks add <spark_name>
allspark sparks list

Apply your configuration, optionally use -f to force packages to update from source (by default terraform and ansible modules will be cached otherwise).

allspark update [-f]

Modify your configuration in the allspark.json file at the root of the project. This stores the state of the packages you've added and any random username / passwords generated.

Developer Setup

Developer setup will install the Python module in editable mode.

git clone ""