A TAUOLA wrapper with backward decays

pip install alouette==1.0.1


Alouette Linux OSX

(Y-ET another encapsulaTEd TA-UOLA, backwards)


Alouette is a TAUOLA thin wrapper for simulating single Ï„ decays. It can operate in forward or in backward Monte Carlo mode. Alouette is built over Tauola++ Fortran source (version 1.1.8, for LHC). It can be used as a C library (libalouette) or as a Python 3 package (alouette).

The Alouette API is meant to be light and simple. It exposes two key functions, decay and undecay. Initialisation is automatic. A more detailed description of Alouette is avaible online, from Read the Docs. One can also browse the examples shipped with the source.


Alouette is designed for UNIX systems. It relies on POSIX specifics, e.g. it assumes /dev/urandom to be available. Alouette is tested on Linux and OSX.

Thread safety

TAUOLA and the Alouette wrapper do not support multi-threading.


The Alouette wrapper is under the GNU LGPLv3 license. See the LICENSE and COPYING.LESSER files.