oo view of file paths and names, subclassed from bytes/str/unicode
pip install antipathy==0.85.4
Antipathy -- for those tired of ``os.path`` =========================================== Tired of calling a function for every path manipulation you need to do? Is:: >>> path, filename = os.path.split(some_name) >>> basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) >>> basename = basename + '_01' >>> new_name = os.path.join(path, basename+ext) wearing on your nerves? In short, are you filled with antipathy [1] for os.path? Then get antipathy and work with Path:: >>> from antipathy import Path >>> some_name = Path('/home/ethan/source/my_file.txt') >>> backups = Path('/home/ethan/backup/') >>> print some_name.path '/home/ethan/source/' >>> print some_name.ext '.txt' >>> print some_name.exists() True # (well, if it happens to exist at this moment ;) >>> backup = backups / some_name.filename + '_01' + some_name.ext >>> print backup '/home/ethan/backup/my_file_01.txt' >>> some_name.copy(backup) Because Path is a subclass of bytes/str/unicode, it can still be passed to other functions that expect a bytes/str/unicode object and work seamlessly [2]. [1] https://www.google.com/#q=antipathy [2] in most cases -- there are a few places that do a `type` check instead of an `isinstance` check.