
An image re-sizing and compression tool

pip install aperture-cli==1.0.0



An image formatting and compression tool.

Environment Setup

We'll be using pipenv to manage our virtual environment, and dev dependencies for the project.

  1. Install pipenv: pip install pipenv.
  2. cd into aperture and initialize the virtual environment: pipenv install.
  3. Enable the virtual environment: pipenv shell.
  4. You're good to go! Refer to the pipenv docs for installing dependencies and much more: https://docs.pipenv.org/

Building aperture locally

  1. Install aperture as a python library and a source distribution in your virtual environment: make install.
  2. Remove left over build artifacts: make clean.


  1. Register aperture to the PyPi index (aperture already taken, so aperturepy will probably suffice).
  2. Define a styling format for yapf that we all agree on.
  3. Define a documentation format that we all agree on (this is a good place to start: https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html).
  4. Figure out how to properly use docopt.
  5. Once we're past the goals for Week 2 (basic CLI functionality), we need to move the code for the CLI to a separate repository, where this aperture repo will only contain the stand-alone python library.